Bowler Profile 

Steven Anthony
Career High Game:233MVBs:   0
Fall 2018 Season
Career High Series:   588#1 Power Rankings:   0
Titles Won:0#1 Head-to-Head:   0
Debut:Fall 2017
ToC Champ:0 (0 2nd)
Steven was a member of the 7th place team Gucci Lane.

This season he has been the Most Valuable Bowler 0 times and earned 0 #1 Power Ranked bowler and 0 #1 Head-to-Head bowler nods(s).

his latest scores put him in the # position for the week. Overall, he is cumulatively the # Power Ranked bowler in the league this season out of a field of 24 bowlers.

Box scores for Fall 2018

  Opponent Lanes G1 G2 G3 Series Hdcp. Avg.
Week 1 Bowling For Beers 7&8 139 145 145 429 565 143
Week 2 (Absent)              
Week 3 Open Frames R Us 13&14 112 135 113 360 496 131
Week 4 8 Balls 9&10 (131) (131) (131) 393 558 131
Week 5 BDE 7&8 131 135 186 452 617 137
Week 6 Teeby Dee 3&4 138 128 166 432 583 139
Week 7 We Don't Give a Split 11&12 166 195 178 539 685 147
Week 8 Serious Bowlers 5&6 130 137 155 422 549 146
Week 9 Red Strikes Matter 3&4 (146) (146) (146) 438 567 146
Week 10 Bowling For Beers 9&10 98 142 125 365 494 142
Week 11 Bowling For Beers 11&12 (142) (142) (142) 426 565 142
Week 12 Bowl Movements 5&6 136 153 135 424 563 142
Week 13 Open Frames R Us 3&4 129 218 151 498 637 145
Week 14 8 Balls 11&12 (145) (145) (145) 435 567 145
Week 15 BDE 7&8 (145) (145) (145) 435 567 145
Week 16 Open Frames R Us 9&10 169 176 130 475 607 146
TOTALS 2057 2273 2193 6523 8620 146

Steven Anthony made his league debut in the Fall 2017 season.

Having rolled 72 games over the course of 3 seasons in his GutterAlley career, Anthony carries a lifetime average of 155.

To date, Steven's highest game shot in league was a 233 bowled in Game #2 during Week #2 of the Spring 2018 session and his highest series in league was the 588 he rolled in Week #2 during the Spring 2018 season.

He has been named the Most Valuable Bowler 0 time(s) and the runner-up 2 time(s).

Steven has bowled for:
  -Fall 2018: Gucci Lane   (Avg: 146)   (My profile for this team)
  -Spring 2018: Sit Down, Be Humbowl   (Avg: 161)   (My profile for this team)
  -Fall 2017: Brooklyn Strikers   (Avg: 161)   (My profile for this team)


Steven has unlocked the following Fall 2018 achievements...

Your highest game during the season, increments of 25. Your highest series during the season, increments of 25. Your current position in the league standings.
Rolled the High Game Handicap at least one week. Had the Most Pins Over Average at least one week.
Victory! Your team swept another team. Losers! Your team was swept. Defeated a team scratch, no handicap necessary!
Your team's longest winning streak this season. Your team's longest losing streak this season. Beat Don Glasscock's Fall 2007 scores! Bested Sweep the Leg, Johnny's Fall 2009 scores!
You swept the last place team... assholes! Huge incremental drops in-between game scores! Shot well over your average! Increments of 25. Bowled below your average all 3 games in a single week.
A listing (from most current to furthest back) of any write-up posts in which Steven has been mentioned:
  • Almost A Clean Sweep (Nov 13th, 2018) - This topsy-turvy season continues to get screwier and screwier, as four sweeps and a near sweep continued to stir up the standings. Once in 7th place, BDE this week pulled ahead of the two-time defending champions and found themselves tied for third place. Meanwhile rookie team Teeby Dee, who spent most of the season lingering near the bottom of the standings, suddenly finds a winning record within quick reach and is still mathematically a contender for the trophy. These two teams face each other next week, so this will be the game to watch as the outcome could be BDE moving cleanly into third place or TBD attaining a positive win record.

  • The Voter Rolls (Nov 6th, 2018) - Last night, based on exit polling plus early returns, Bowling News Network (BNN) called first place for Serious Bowlers. Boy, are we red-faced about that one. We haven't missed a call that badly since we projected Hiillary Clinton the Tournament of Champions winner in Fall 2016! The twelfth week of Fall 2018 saw one team climb in the standings, while one team slipped. Monica Hufford picked up this week's high game (172) and series (493) for the women. As for the men, Seth Gunderson snagged this week's high game with a 233, and high series was earned by Aubrey Moren with a 565. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Gettin' Our Groove On (Oct 2nd, 2018) - Week 7 was the grooviest anyone in our league or at the bowling counter had ever seen. In addition to being so freakin' groovy, this week saw two teams climb in the standings, while one team slipped. Monica Hufford picked up this week's high game (188) and series (496) for the women. As for the men, Nick Kinney snagged this week's high game with a 225, and high series was earned by Aaron Barber with a 607. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • The Post-Bowling Blues (Sep 18th, 2018) - The fifth week of Fall 2018 saw two teams climb in the standings, while two teams slipped. One bowler set a new personal best series, and one rolled new personal high game. Monica Hufford picked up this week's high game (199) and series (522) for the women, while Aaron Barber earned this week's high game (257) and series (609) for the men. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Spring 2018 Recap (Jul 11th, 2018) -

  • Can I Get a Witness!!!? (Feb 27th, 2018) - A delayed fifth week of bowling saw two teams climb in the standings, while two teams slipped. One of the teams that climbed, defending champions WITNESS!!!, has reclaimed a razor-thin first-place standing. Angela Bradford picked up this week's high game (231) and series (540) for the women, while Aaron Barber earned this week's high game (234) and series (685) for the men. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Rolling Strong (Feb 6th, 2018) - Overall, this was the sixth hightest-rolliing week in league history. Two teams climb in the standings, while four teams slipped. Three bowlers set a new personal best series, and one rolled new personal high game. Angela Bradford picked up this week's high game (224) and series (592) for the women. As for the men, Michael Mead and Nick Kinney both tied for this week's high game with a 258, and high series was earned by Michael Mead with a 686. And the Tournament of Champions divisions are now set, ready for one-on-one action to begin next week! Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • "We're poopin' pins!" (Jan 30th, 2018) - A night of super blue blood moons and randomly-dropping pins saw three teams climb in the standings, while four teams slipped. In addition, one bowler set a new personal best series. Read on for all the details!

  • 2018 Is Underway (Jan 23rd, 2018) - Spring 2018 began tonight with a welcome to a few new bowlers, a defending champion team that is going to have to fend off multiple challengers, and several bowlers who forgot they were supposed to sandbag. Consequently, two bowlers set a new personal best series, and three rolled new personal high games.

  • Balloween (Oct 31st, 2017) - With tonight being Halloween, almost half the league was bewitched by demons and unable escape from the dark presence of Satan long enough to roll. For those of us who surrounded ourselves with sufficient garlic, silver, and holy water to avoid all of the evil, here is how tonight's games went.

  • Finally, A Leader Emerges (Oct 24th, 2017) - Our position round has brought us a first in the Fall 2017 Seasoon. For the first time this season, a team has moved into first place that has more than just a 1-game lead!

  • Post Bowl Time (Oct 3rd, 2017) - Post-bowling scores are in, let's see how everything turned out!

  • When Do You Go Interdivisional? (Sep 21st, 2017) -

  • The Left Rises (For Real This Time) (Sep 12th, 2017) - The Alt-Left can now finally celebrate a legitimate claim to first place, while last week's 1st place team plummets all the way to 5th. Meanwhile, the Tournament of Champions also started up with its new 40-bowler format. Read on to see how it all shook out!

Steven is currently featured on 2 Top 25 lists:

The good...

Steven's Career Averages By Season (Minimum 12 games required):

Steven's Career Averages (All):

Steven's Lifetime Score Frequency:



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