Bowler Profile 

Brian Walsh
Career High Game:222MVBs:   2
Fall 2015 Season
Career High Series:   516#1 Power Rankings:   2
Titles Won:0#1 Head-to-Head:   1
Debut:Fall 2015
ToC Champ:0 (0 2nd)
Brian was a member of the 2nd place team Stephen Hawking's Dance Club.

This season he has been the Most Valuable Bowler 2 times and earned 2 #1 Power Ranked bowler and 1 #1 Head-to-Head bowler nods(s).

his latest scores put him in the # position for the week. Overall, he is cumulatively the # Power Ranked bowler in the league this season out of a field of 24 bowlers.

Box scores for Fall 2015

  Opponent Lanes G1 G2 G3 Series Hdcp. Avg.
Week 1 404: Team Name Not Found 45&46 123 140 75 338 549 112
Week 2 Ray & Stevie 41&42 101 133 123 357 568 115
Week 3 Hold My Beer, Watch This 47&48 138 97 99 334 538 114
Week 4 It's A Trap! 41&42 129 126 125 380 586 117
Week 5 Holy Sandbaggers,... 43&44 139 159 129 427 626 122
Week 6 Split It & Hit It 47&48 81 115 135 331 518 120
Week 7 Salt Water Taffy 43&44 138 114 155 407 599 122
Week 8 Salt Water Taffy 41&42 142 103 159 404 591 124
Week 9 404: Team Name Not Found 41&42 200 181 135 516 698 129
Week 10 Ray & Stevie 47&48 157 157 118 432 602 130
Week 11 Hold My Beer, Watch This 43&44 128 130 113 371 539 130
Week 12 It's A Trap! 47&48 169 155 140 464 632 132
Week 13 Holy Sandbaggers,... 45&46 161 131 145 437 600 133
Week 14 Split It & Hit It 43&44 155 142 110 407 567 133
Week 15 Salt Water Taffy 45&46 222 169 113 504 664 135
Week 16 Salt Water Taffy 41&42 101 110 88 299 455 133
TOTALS 2284 2162 1962 6408 9332 133

Brian Walsh made his league debut in the Fall 2015 season.

Having rolled 48 games over the course of 1 seasons in his GutterAlley career, Walsh carries a lifetime average of 133.

To date, Brian's highest game shot in league was a 222 bowled in Game #1 during Week #15 of the Fall 2015 session and his highest series in league was the 516 he rolled in Week #9 during the Fall 2015 season.

He has been named the Most Valuable Bowler 2 time(s) and the runner-up 1 time(s).

Brian has bowled for:
  -Fall 2015: Stephen Hawking's Dance Club   (Avg: 133)   (My profile for this team)


Brian has unlocked the following Fall 2015 achievements...

Your highest game during the season, increments of 25. Your highest series during the season, increments of 25. Named the #1 Power Ranked Bowler of any week. Named the Most Valuable Bowler of any week. Your current position in the league standings.
Rolled the High Game Handicap at least one week. Rolled the High Series Handicap at least one week. Had the Most Pins Over Average at least one week.
Victory! Your team swept another team. Losers! Your team was swept. Your team managed to win a game by a single pin. Defeated a team scratch, no handicap necessary!
Defeated the 1st place team
3-1 or 4-0!
Your team's longest winning streak this season. Your team's longest losing streak this season. Beat Don Glasscock's Fall 2007 scores! Bested Sweep the Leg, Johnny's Fall 2009 scores!
Logged into Visited the site three days in a row during the season!
You swept the last place team... assholes! Huge incremental drops in-between game scores! Shot well over your average! Increments of 25. Bowled below your average all 3 games in a single week.
You never missed a game! You're all paid up for the season!
A listing (from most current to furthest back) of any write-up posts in which Brian has been mentioned:
  • Fall 2015 is in The Books! (Dec 15th, 2015) - With 32 seasons of bowling now behind us, the Fall 2015 season ended tonight as the 4th best season in league history. Both in terms of combined league average and in terms of the number (206) of 200+ games rolled. Congratulations, everyone, on a great season!

  • Falling Apart at the Seams (Dec 8th, 2015) - For reasons unknown, that definitely had nothing to do with the first place team getting swept, the lanes started falling apart tonight! As did any chance of seeing any of 2nd thru 6th place get locked up early.

  • Full of Turkey, No One Wants to Move (Nov 24th, 2015) - Turkey week saw lots of turkeys but no movement in the standings, likely due to everyone being overloaded on tryptophan.

  • A Bunch Of Crap (Nov 17th, 2015) - Because the results of the bowling matchups this week were so expected, and therefore so boring, Scoot has absolutely no inspiration for what to write about this week. Due to this, just so Scoot would stay awake writing this, much of the following is a load of crap.

  • A Royally Quick Night (Oct 27th, 2015) - One team pre-bowled, one team is post-bowling, and one team was only halfway here. A quick night of bowling got everyone away from the bowling alley's fuzzy TV's in time to watch the Royals win / lose / win / lose / win / screw it I'm going to bed.

  • Welcome to the Fall 2015 Season! (Aug 21st, 2015) - Summer is behind us and it's already that time again – dust off your balls and say goodbye to the wife and kids as it's time to head back onto the battlefields as the 32nd season of GutterAlley actions begins this Tuesday. This season will feature eight new recruits making their debut this season! A special welcome to rookies Andrew Finger, Brian Walsh, Chelsie Finger, Matt O'Dell, Meghan Cummings, Sean Miller, Seaon Simmons, and Zach Cross!

Brian is currently featured on 1 Top 25 list:

The just for fun...

In addition, teams of which Brian was a member are featured on 2 Top 25 lists:

The good...
The just for fun...

Brian's Career Averages By Season (Minimum 12 games required):

Brian's Career Averages (All):

Brian's Lifetime Score Frequency:



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Bart Smith, in the hat, guards the lanes.