Bowler Profile 

Sarah Manning
Career High Game:167MVBs:   0
Spring 2011 Season
Career High Series:   349#1 Power Rankings:   0
Titles Won:0#1 Head-to-Head:   0
Debut:Fall 2010
ToC Champ:0 (0 2nd)
Sarah was a member of the 8th place team Touch My Vlad.

This season she has been the Most Valuable Bowler 0 times and earned 0 #1 Power Ranked bowler and 0 #1 Head-to-Head bowler nods(s).

her latest scores put her in the # position for the week. Overall, she is cumulatively the # Power Ranked bowler in the league this season out of a field of 24 bowlers.

Box scores for Spring 2011

  Opponent Lanes G1 G2 G3 Series Hdcp. Avg.
Week 1 S*I*C*K 15&16 87 131 90 308 543 102
Week 2 Dolls and Balls 19&20 85 90 120 295 530 100
Week 3 Tonganoxie Doglift 21&22 122 115 107 344 584 105
Week 4 Eat Split and DI 17&18 109 95 103 307 535 104
Week 5 Istanbowl Turkey 21&22 (104) (104) (104) 312 542 104
Week 6 No Pinheads 15&16 89 106 104 299 529 103
Week 7 SucmaBOWLS 19&20 109 95 117 321 553 104
Week 8 SucmaBOWLS 21&22 103 102 108 313 543 104
Week 9 S*I*C*K 21&22 (104) (104) (104) 312 542 104
Week 10 Dolls and Balls 15&16 (104) (104) (104) 312 542 104
Week 11 Tonganoxie Doglift 17&18 (104) (104) (104) 312 542 104
Week 12 Eat Split and DI 19&20 92 125 90 307 537 103
Week 13 Istanbowl Turkey 17&18 (103) (103) (103) 309 541 103
Week 14 No Pinheads 21&22 121 108 120 349 581 105
Week 15 SucmaBOWLS 15&16 (105) (105) (105) 315 543 105
Week 16 Tonganoxie Doglift 21&22 (105) (105) (105) 315 543 105
TOTALS 1646 1696 1688 5030 8730 105

Sarah Manning made her league debut in the Fall 2010 season.

Having rolled 48 games over the course of 2 seasons in her GutterAlley career, Manning carries a lifetime average of 100.

To date, Sarah's highest game shot in league was a 167 bowled in Game #2 during Week #10 of the Fall 2010 session and her highest series in league was the 349 she rolled in Week #14 during the Spring 2011 season.

She has been named the Most Valuable Bowler 0 time(s) and the runner-up 0 time(s).

Sarah has bowled for:
  -Spring 2011: Touch My Vlad   (Avg: 105)   (My profile for this team)
  -Fall 2010: Feed the Monkey   (Avg: 94)   (My profile for this team)


Sarah has unlocked the following Spring 2011 achievements...

Your highest game during the season, increments of 25. Your current position in the league standings.
Your team managed to win a game by a single pin.
Your team's longest winning streak this season. Your team's longest losing streak this season. Bested Sweep the Leg, Johnny's Fall 2009 scores!
Participated in an online poll.
You're all paid up for the season!
A listing (from most current to furthest back) of any write-up posts in which Sarah has been mentioned:
  • Fall Recruitment (Jul 29th, 2011) - Starting back on August 23rd, the twenty-fourth season of the VML Bowling League will get underway. There are 32 spots that need to be filled and we're cruising right along. Interested in either being on the list or seeing who has already signed up? Check it out...

  • Analysis: Season Favorites (May 17th, 2011) -

  • Time to Pick Teams (Jan 11th, 2011) - Two weeks from today, the next session of the VML Bowling League starts up. With that looming on the horizon, 'tis time to pick teams.Want to find out which teams are already fully-formed? Well, check it out...

  • It's 2011: Open Recruitment! (Jan 3rd, 2011) - The 2011 Spring league is now forming. We're aiming to have a full 40-person roster and spaces are filling up rather nicely in order to meet our goal. We still need some more people, though. The next session begins on Tuesday, January 25th at the NKC Pro Bowl in North Kansas City, Missouri.Are you interested in bowling? If so, please let us know.

  • Happy Holidays! (Dec 15th, 2010) - The Fall 2010 bowling season officially came to a conclusion Tuesday night with the disbursement of the prize fund and individual awards. The final results of the season favorite awards were also announced. Congratulations to all of the winners!The next session of the league will begin on Tuesday, January 25th. Hope to see you there!

  • It's a Wrap! Finals Next Week (Nov 30th, 2010) - This season's powerhouse team proved to be the Pin Pricks as they clinched the title one week before the Finals. Congratulations to Ian Goetz, Carl Goetz, David Codding and Ken M. Wilson for winning the 2010 Fall season of the VML Bowling League. While the rest of the league spread themselves out quite a bit on the second to last week of bowling, the teams in 2nd and 3rd place end up with a mere half of a game separating one another.The season's individual achievements reached an ending as well with eight bowlers lined up to receive additional money in their envelopes at the end of the season. Want to find out who garnered the extra green? Read on...

  • Win, Lose or Split (Oct 26th, 2010) - With the position round behind everyone now, you'd think that there would start to be some kind of shift taking place in the league standings. Amazingly this is not the case in the VML Bowling League. Week 10 came and went with little to no standings-based fanfare, although some pretty important games were won that could make quite a difference in the long run.One team seems on its way to breaking into the top half of the standings, disrupting the stronghold that Kitten Mittons, Ground Mosque Zero, No Pinheads and the Pin Pricks have held onto since the start of the season...

  • A Rare Feat (Aug 24th, 2010) - The VML Bowling League officially kicked off Tuesday night with a mixture of long-tenured veterans alongside fresh new faces making up the cast of characters. Nine new rookies made their debut this season, including a last minute substitution called in at the final minute after another rookie announced he was dropping out from the league before even getting started. Two teams accomplished a rare feat, though, by sweeping their opponents on the first night – something that has only happened a handful of times throughout the years. On paper, these two teams are scheduled to face one another in the Finals but with the season just getting underway, it's still truly anyone's season to win. Want to find out how everyone did? Read on...

  • And They're Off...! (Aug 24th, 2010) - The 22nd season of the VML Bowling League officially begins tonight. With only seven teams signed up, this is the smallest crew we've had since the Fall 2002 season. The Finals are a full four months away. Which two teams will end up facing one another in the championship matchup? Rest assured, returning champions Ian Goetz, Carl Goetz and Ken M. Wilson will do their best to defend their crown and return to the Finals but with several brand new teams in the mix, it's anyone's guess as to who will emerge victorious. So, without further adieu, let's get this party started!

Sarah is currently featured on 2 Top 25 lists:

The good...
The not so good...

In addition, teams of which Sarah was a member are featured on 1 Top 25 list:

The not so good...

Sarah's Career Averages By Season (Minimum 12 games required):

Sarah's Career Averages (All):

Sarah's Lifetime Score Frequency:



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