Bowler Profile 

Shane Pfaffly
Career High Game:224MVBs:   0
Spring 2011 Season
Career High Series:   491#1 Power Rankings:   0
Titles Won:0#1 Head-to-Head:   0
Debut:Spring 2010
ToC Champ:0 (0 2nd)
Shane was a member of the 6th place team Tonganoxie Doglift.

This season he has been the Most Valuable Bowler 0 times and earned 0 #1 Power Ranked bowler and 0 #1 Head-to-Head bowler nods(s).

his latest scores put him in the # position for the week. Overall, he is cumulatively the # Power Ranked bowler in the league this season out of a field of 24 bowlers.

Box scores for Spring 2011

  Opponent Lanes G1 G2 G3 Series Hdcp. Avg.
Week 1 Istanbowl Turkey 19&20 152 137 150 439 568 146
Week 2 SucmaBOWLS 15&16 119 128 122 369 498 134
Week 3 (Absent)              
Week 4 No Pinheads 15&16 154 169 137 460 618 140
Week 5 Dolls and Balls 17&18 110 140 120 370 514 136
Week 6 Eat Split and DI 21&22 156 157 97 410 563 136
Week 7 S*I*C*K 17&18 164 118 140 422 575 137
Week 8 No Pinheads 19&20 113 103 118 334 485 133
Week 9 Istanbowl Turkey 15&16 106 139 173 418 578 134
Week 10 SucmaBOWLS 21&22 119 104 194 417 575 134
Week 11 Touch My Vlad 17&18 (134) (134) (134) 402 560 134
Week 12 No Pinheads 21&22 105 115 110 330 488 132
Week 13 Dolls and Balls 19&20 86 130 129 345 508 130
Week 14 Eat Split and DI 17&18 136 129 103 368 536 130
Week 15 S*I*C*K 19&20 142 164 98 404 572 130
Week 16 Touch My Vlad 21&22 (130) (130) (130) 390 558 130
TOTALS 1926 1997 1955 5878 8196 130

Shane Pfaffly made his league debut in the Spring 2010 season.

Having rolled 105 games over the course of 3 seasons in his GutterAlley career, Pfaffly carries a lifetime average of 136.

To date, Shane's highest game shot in league was a 224 bowled in Game #1 during Week #3 of the Spring 2010 session and his highest series in league was the 491 he rolled in Week #12 during the Spring 2010 season.

He has been named the Most Valuable Bowler 0 time(s) and the runner-up 0 time(s).

Shane has bowled for:
  -Spring 2019: Holy Forkin Shirt Balls   (Avg: 141)   (My profile for this team)
  -Spring 2011: Tonganoxie Doglift   (Avg: 130)   (My profile for this team)
  -Spring 2010: The Prak Attack   (Avg: 138)   (My profile for this team)


Shane has unlocked the following Spring 2011 achievements...

Your highest series during the season, increments of 25. Your current position in the league standings.
Rolled the High Game Handicap at least one week. Had the Most Pins Over Average at least one week.
Your team's longest winning streak this season. Your team's longest losing streak this season.
You're all paid up for the season!
A listing (from most current to furthest back) of any write-up posts in which Shane has been mentioned:
  • It was the best of frames, it was the worst of frames... (Apr 9th, 2019) - When we have 8 teams the Position Round slices our season cleanly in half. But when we have 12 teams the Position Round is more like the mighty guillotine, slicing off just the end while the main body remains on the slab of history. Three normal-ish weeks remain before the Championship round, but even lest time that that remains for anyone to act before the current #1 team clinches the championship outright.

  • Analysis: Season Favorites (May 17th, 2011) -

  • Momentum? No-mentum! (Mar 29th, 2011) - As the second half of the Spring 2011 season got underway Tuesday evening, teams began their 7-week tour of duty to face off against everyone once again with The Finals now less than two months away. The results of this week were somewhat surprising, with teams that performed well in the position round last week unable to carry forward that momentum. Ready to see how everyone rolled? Let's check it out...

  • Dedication, Devotion...and Destruction (Mar 8th, 2011) - With the position round just two weeks away, teams are slowly gravitating towards their standings opponents in what should be a do or die rolloff week on March 22nd. For now, Week #6 managed to keep everyone in their current spots with two exceptions as No Pinheads bunny hopped SucmaBOWLS. Not complacent with the status quo, the league was treated to a nice showing of dedication from Dolls and Balls' anchor Ryan Doll who despite having recently had surgery performed on his bowling arm showed up to keep his team from forfeiting and rolled with his opposite hand to keep his team in the running. Ready to see how everyone did as the first half of the season nears its end?

  • Chip Off the Old Block (Feb 22nd, 2011) - We're now a month into the league and the league standings are offering up some surprises. While S*I*C*K continues to distance themselves from everyone else, there's been quite the shakeup in the teams in the 2nd through 4th place spots. Several powerhouse teams continue to struggle while other teams savor the sweet nectar of victory at their expense. This week's breakout performance easily goes to Ian Goetz, pictured to the left. Rolling his all-time personal best game and series, Goetz one-upped his father and teammate Carl for the first time all season. Good rolling definitely runs in the family.Ready to see how everyone did?

  • The Race Begins (Jan 25th, 2011) - With eight teams in the race to win the Spring 2011 championship, the battles are underway with two teams coming away with a perfect 4-0 start. Along with that, we've already witnessed the first tie of the season with two teams experiencing gridlock in their very first game of their matchup. Who knows what other mishaps will take place over the next 4+ months but all we know is that the 23rd season is underway and we're glad to be back.

  • Time to Pick Teams (Jan 11th, 2011) - Two weeks from today, the next session of the VML Bowling League starts up. With that looming on the horizon, 'tis time to pick teams.Want to find out which teams are already fully-formed? Well, check it out...

Shane is currently featured on 3 Top 25 lists:

The good...
The just for fun...

In addition, teams of which Shane was a member are featured on 1 Top 25 list:

The not so good...

Shane's Career Averages By Season (Minimum 12 games required):

Shane's Career Averages (All):

Shane's Lifetime Score Frequency:



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