Bowler Profile 

Jeromy Harris
Career High Game:211MVBs:   1
Fall 2022 Season
Career High Series:   536#1 Power Rankings:   1
Titles Won:0#1 Head-to-Head:   0
Debut:Fall 2022
ToC Champ:0 (0 2nd)
Jeromy was a member of the 3rd place team AJ's Minions.

This season he has been the Most Valuable Bowler 1 time and earned 0 #1 Power Ranked bowler and 0 #1 Head-to-Head bowler nods(s).

his latest scores put him in the # position for the week. Overall, he is cumulatively the # Power Ranked bowler in the league this season out of a field of 24 bowlers.

Box scores for Fall 2022

  Opponent Lanes G1 G2 G3 Series Hdcp. Avg.
Week 1 Glory Bowl 5&6 123 133 140 396 559 132
Week 2 I Can't Believe It's Not... 1&2 164 138 136 438 601 139
Week 3 Balderdash 3&4 178 160 175 513 659 149
Week 4 Sun Dolphins 5&6 154 158 155 467 589 151
Week 5 Baby Beardo 1&2 (151) (151) (151) 453 570 151
Week 6 I Can't Believe It's Not... 3&4 142 119 208 469 586 152
Week 7 Glory Bowl 1&2 139 135 163 437 552 151
Week 8 Sun Dolphins 3&4 (151) (151) (151) 453 570 151
Week 9 Baby Beardo 5&6 154 194 188 536 653 155
Week 10 Balderdash 1&2 168 143 162 473 581 155
Week 11 Glory Bowl 3&4 (155) (155) (155) 465 573 155
Week 12 I Can't Believe It's Not... 5&6 211 148 160 519 627 157
Week 13 Balderdash 1&2 144 166 140 450 553 156
Week 14 Sun Dolphins 3&4 (156) (156) (156) 468 573 156
Week 15 Baby Beardo 5&6 (156) (156) (156) 468 573 156
Week 16 Glory Bowl 3&4 163 135 156 454 559 156
TOTALS 2509 2398 2552 7459 9378 156

Jeromy Harris made his league debut in the Fall 2022 season.

Having rolled 33 games over the course of 1 seasons in his GutterAlley career, Harris carries a lifetime average of 156.

To date, Jeromy's highest game shot in league was a 211 bowled in Game #1 during Week #12 of the Fall 2022 session and his highest series in league was the 536 he rolled in Week #9 during the Fall 2022 season.

He has been named the Most Valuable Bowler 1 time(s) and the runner-up 0 time(s).

Jeromy has bowled for:
  -Fall 2022: AJ's Minions   (Avg: 156)   (My profile for this team)


Jeromy has unlocked the following Fall 2022 achievements...

Your highest game during the season, increments of 25. Your highest series during the season, increments of 25. Named the Most Valuable Bowler of any week. Your current position in the league standings.
Rolled the High Game Handicap at least one week. Rolled the High Series Handicap at least one week.
Victory! Your team swept another team. Losers! Your team was swept. Your team managed to win a game by a single pin. Defeated a team scratch, no handicap necessary!
Your team's longest winning streak this season. Your team's longest losing streak this season. Beat Don Glasscock's Fall 2007 scores! Bested Sweep the Leg, Johnny's Fall 2009 scores!
Logged into Visited the site three days in a row during the season!
Huge incremental drops in-between game scores! Shot well over your average! Increments of 25.
You're all paid up for the season!
A listing (from most current to furthest back) of any write-up posts in which Jeromy has been mentioned:
  • Prepare for Spring 2023! (Jan 15th, 2023) - Here's what's coming up this season...

  • Fall 2022 Recap (Dec 30th, 2022) -

  • Week 12 RoboRecap (Nov 8th, 2022) - The twelfth week of Fall 2022 saw two teams climb in the standings, while two teams slipped. JoAnne Barber picked up this week's high game (141) and series (393) for the women. As for the men, Nick Kinney snagged this week's high game with a 258, and high series was earned by Dennis Walling with a 631. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Cutting It Close (Oct 18th, 2022) - Though the standings continue to remain unchanged, this week the third-place team came within mere pins of entering into a tie for second. JoAnne Barber picked up this week's high game (150) and series (402) for the women, while her sweet widdle noogums Aaron Barber earned this week's high game (232) and series (611) for the men. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Just Here for the Beer (Sep 27th, 2022) - A strong argument could be made that Gutter Alleyers were more interested in what was happening behind the bar than they were about what was happening on the lanes, as the news that two Croation beers were now available (one of which some of us have been waiting over a year to try) opened up wallets and gullets throughout all 6 lanes. The large green bottles could be found in almost every other drink holder. But in the realm of balls and pins, the sixth week saw two teams climb in the standings, while one team slipped. JoAnne Barber picked up this week's high game (121) and series (351) for the women, while Nick Kinney earned this week's high game (211) and series (602) for the men. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Baby Steps (Aug 30th, 2022) - The second week of Fall 2022 saw the two usual teams show their first early signs of taking their steps to the championship. One bowler rolled a new personal best game. JoAnne Barber picked up this week's high game (181) and series (387) for the women. As for the men, Nick Kinney snagged this week's high game with a 235, and high series was earned by Matthew Taylor with a 648. Read on for all the rest of the details!

  • Fall 2022 Begins Next Week! (Aug 15th, 2022) -

  • Fall 2022 Teams Set (Aug 3rd, 2022) -

Jeromy is not currently featured on any of our Top 25 lists.

Jeromy's Career Averages By Season (Minimum 12 games required):

Jeromy's Career Averages (All):

Jeromy's Lifetime Score Frequency:



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Who bowled their best game ever this night? That guy!