Top 25 Recipients of Charity Wins 

With the debut of our Over/Under Factor, we were able to determine which teams were gifted the most wins. But which individuals ended up being on those teams to receive the most charity wins throughout the course of our league's collective history? We're glad you asked.Check out the Top 25 Recipients of Charity Wins:

Top 25 Most Charity Wins by Bowler
Rank Bowler # Charity Wins
1. Scott Murdock   351 
2. Seth Gunderson   317 
3. Carl Goetz   317 
4. Ken M. Wilson   302 
5. Dennis Laube   301 
6. Phil Schroeder   264 
7. Freda Schroeder   251 
8. AJ Hofmann   245 
9. Jonathan Vigliaturo   222 
10. Aaron Barber   218 
11. Aubrey Moren   208 
12. Angela Bradford   174 
13. Bob Brunker   173 
14. Rob Kaszuba   165 
15. Michael Gordon   163 
16. Ryan Doll   163 
17. Ben Spencer   151 
18. Jason Carpio   142 
19. Dennis Walling   122 
20. Bill Krejci   120 
21. JoAnne Barber   119 
22. David Codding   119 
23. Matthew Taylor   118 
24. Ian Goetz   115 
25. Nick Kinney   113 

Want to see more lists? Check out the master list of Top 25s...



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Yes, Carpio is really that short.