Top 25 Biggest Sandbaggers 

The season has started and you're looking around at the competition. Someone that shot lights out last season is suddenly putting up numbers far below their normal average the first few weeks. Uh-oh! They are sandbagging. A time honored tradition of bowling leagues around the globe, the pros and cons of sandbagging will be debated until the end of time. Here's our list of the biggest sandbaggers in our league's history.Check out the Top 25 Biggest Sandbaggers:

Top 25 Sandbaggers
Rank Bowler Season Week 1
Week 4
1. Matthew Taylor Fall 2021 138 175 +37
2. Dennis Laube Spring 2007 124 161 +37
3. Aaron Barber Fall 2018 149 184 +35
4. Dennis Laube Spring 2008 129 164 +35
5. Scott Thompson Fall 2023 120 153 +33
6. John Boren Spring 2016 162 194 +32
7. Nick Kinney Spring 2018 153 184 +31
8. Jeff Gragg Spring 2002 116 147 +31
9. Sean Simmons Spring 2016 97 128 +31
10. Russell Madsen Spring 2012 91 122 +31
11. Ian Goetz Spring 2014 155 184 +29
12. Dennis Walling Midsummer 2021 133 162 +29
13. Phil Schroeder Spring 2014 129 158 +29
14. Matt Bunyard Fall 2014 122 151 +29
15. AJ Hofmann Spring 2023 114 143 +29
16. Eric Summers Spring 2009 72 101 +29
17. Aaron Barber Spring 2017 166 194 +28
18. Rob Kaszuba Fall 2017 147 175 +28
19. Nick Allegri Fall 2007 139 167 +28
20. Phil Schroeder Fall 2011 129 157 +28
21. Curtis Whiles Fall 2019 113 141 +28
22. Aaron Barber Spring 2018 181 208 +27
23. Bob Brunker Fall 2002 143 170 +27
24. Nick Kinney Spring 2020 160 186 +26
25. Thomas Lin Spring 2004 146 172 +26
Want to see more lists? Check out the master list of Top 25s...



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For those who like to hang out in the bar between turns, which of these would you prefer as a way of known when it's your turn?

  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

    (100%, 1 Votes)
  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

    (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

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