2019 HOF Candidates

2019 HOF Candidates

Posted by ScooterJ

Below are bios of each of the four nominees for Hall of Fame 2019. Please take the take to read each one entirely before making your decision. Thank you!

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  1. Aaron
  2. Aubrey
  3. Cory
  4. Jonathan

Nominee: Aaron Barber

Nominated By: Bob, Scott

Seasons Bowled: 11
High game: 286
High series: 721
Championships: 3
MVBs: 11
#1 Power Ranks: 6
#1 Head-to-Head: 14

Career 200+ games: 178 (#8) (avg 16.18/season)
Career 600+ series: 49 (#7) (avg 4.45/season)
Career 700+ series: 1

Other Achievements from the Tops 25s:

  • Held the current longest attendance record at 285 games, until he screwed it up by having a honeymoon this week. This was also the 5th longest attendance streak in league history.
  • His 286 is the 5th highest game in league history
  • Aaron and Aubrey are the only people in the top ten 200+ games not in the HoF
  • Singlehandedly responsible for 25 of his team's wins throughout his career

In Fall 2018 Aaron became the 2nd biggest sandbagger in league history, though to be fair he was recovering from emergency surgery when that season began.

REASON FOR NOMINATION: To some, the fact that Aaron is one of the ten best bowlers in league history may be seen as reason enough. But Hall of Fame material isn't just about stats. If it were then there'd be no reason for a vote, we could just use an algorithm to pick. When it comes to those who have worked to improve the league, not many can truly be said to have worked as hard as Aaron. He has recruited more people into our league than any other person, surpassing Jason Carpio in that regard several seasons ago. He has singlehandedly prevented the league from having a blind team on at least one occasion. Estimates at the number of bowlers he has brought in come it at around 18, give or take. Some stayed only for a season, some stayed for a few, some became long-time powerhouses like Michael Mead and Matthew Taylor.

And sure, he's sometimes loud, often boisterous, likes to talk trash, and loves his beer. But he also has a big heart and is happy to help others improve their game. In addition, knowing that I do volunteer work at and organize fundraisers for Ronald McDonald House, he saves all his pop tabs throughout the year and brings me a big box or bucket of them every Fall.

Nominee: Aubrey Moren

Nominated By: Ken

Seasons Bowled: 23
High game: 278
High series: 692
Championships: 4
MVBs: 23
#1 Power Ranks: 11
#1 Head-to-Head: 23

Career 200+ games: 235 (#5) (avg 10.2/season)
Career 600+ series: 51 (#6) (avg 2.22/season)
Career 700+ series: 0

Other Achievements from the Tops 25s:

  • 3rd highest number of #1 power ranks, after Ken and Carl.
  • 4th highest number of #1 head-to-head. The 3 people above him and 4 below him are all HoF.
  • His 278 is the 7th highest game in league history
  • Aubrey and Aaron are the only people in the top ten 200+ games not in the HoF
  • Singlehandedly responsible for 45 of his team's wins throughout his career

Holder of the worst below-average game in league history, though to be fair you can only earn this these days by having a rather high average to begin with.

REASON FOR NOMINATION: For a looooooooong time, the same few people would win the league championship — most of which are Hall of Famers already — but once Aubrey joined up with Pops, Phil, and Freda, things changed and a new threat was suddenly in the mix. In his debut season, he not only earned Rookie of the Season accolades but also won the championship which was a first for an individual bowler in GutterAlley history (this feat has only accomplished one time since, by Hall of Famer Ian Goetz and even that was years later). This accomplishment in itself is pretty damn impressive as Aubrey didn’t make his debut on a team with the two biggest title winners of all time.

During his career TWENTY-THREE seasons, Aubrey kept his team as a viable threat year after year. Win or lose, he was consistently the first person from that team that would come over and shake the hands of his opponents, proving that he is truly a good sport. His fellow teammates are all legends in the league — Freda’s an initial class Hall of Famer while Phil and Pops are the namesakes of the P&P Pillar award. It’s only right that this legendary team’s spark plug finally be given his due.

Nominee: Cory Chorpenning

Nominated By: Ian

Seasons Bowled: 8
High game: 289
High series: 689
Championships: 2
MVBs: 8
#1 Power Ranks: 3
#1 Head-to-Head: 5

Career 200+ games: 118 (#13) (avg 14.75/season)
Career 600+ series: 25 (#13) (avg 3.13/season)
Career 700+ series: 0

Other Achievements from the Tops 25s:

  • Would have rolled an 857 series if his best game 1, game 2, and game 3 were rolled in the same session. Only Carl and Ken have beaten that.
  • In his 4th season he unseated Don Glasscock for highest total pins in a single season, and held the record for 5 years until Ken, Ian, and Carl finally started getting good. ;)
  • His 289 is the 3rd highest game in league history
  • His 26 200+ games in Spring 2008 is the 6th most in a single season in league history
  • Holds the 6th highest lifetime average in league history. Of the five people above him, two are Hall of Famers and the other three are unlikely to ever be back.
  • Holds the 3rd best opening week performance in league history (an anti-sandbagger). The two above him are long retired from the league.

Third-worst below-average game in league history, though to be fair you can only earn this these days by having a rather high average to begin with. Also, unlike the other three candidates, he does not place on Top 25 bowlers singlehandedly responsible for wins. A check by hand shows he ranks near the bottom. However this may simply be a result of him only having rolled on very strong teams where everyone contributes.

REASON FOR NOMINATION: I wanted to nominate Cory mostly because he has one of the best attitudes, if not THE best attitude, of the entire league. No matter whether he’s bowling terribly or right on his average or having a great game he has the same positive attitude. He always congratulates the opposing team regardless of the score or the stakes at hand.

He is also quick to congratulate those he notices bowling well on the other lanes around him, and is one of the few very good bowlers who can be seen smiling way more than cussing. :)

Nominee: Jonathan Vigliaturo

Nominated By: Seth

Seasons Bowled: 17
High game: 248
High series: 648
Championships: 7
MVBs: 17
#1 Power Ranks: 8
#1 Head-to-Head: 7

Career 200+ games: 73 (#21) (avg 4.3/season)
Career 600+ series: 3 (#34) (avg 0.18/season)
Career 700+ series: 0

Other Achievements from the Tops 25s:

  • 4th most-improved between seasons
  • 4th highest head-to-head performance
  • 6th highest league win percentage (But 3rd highest among those who bowled more than one season, beat only by Boren and Ian in that regard)
  • Singlehandedly responsible for 25 of his team's wins throughout his career

Actually, JV does not appear on any negative individual-performance Top 25 list whatsoever. He even keeps his beard well-groomed so I can't fault him there, either.

Just look at all the joy he has brought!

REASON FOR NOMINATION: He is small, but mighty. Noisy for sure, but fun to experience. Annoying to some maybe, but effective. In a constant effort to be the life of the party, Jonathan Vigliaturo brings an air of playfulness to the league every Tuesday evening. The weeks that Jonathan isn’t there, the lanes are unusually quiet and void of energy. No matter the team make-up, Jonathan’s participation helps make that team a perennial favorite. And in the seasons that titles aren’t achieved, a bevy of laughs is guaranteed. Plus he’s on the f’ing Joker. Dude rules.

Addendum from Scoot: Though he talks a lot of trash during play, it's all in good fun and after bowling is over and AJ and I are up at one of the 753 tables entering scores he stops by as he is leaving a few times each season to thank us. That's classy.



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For those who like to hang out in the bar between turns, which of these would you prefer as a way of known when it's your turn?

  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

    (100%, 1 Votes)
  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

    (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 1

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