The opposing team has at least one blind for the duration of each game.
(9 people)
Your team's point spread among its bowlers in game 3 is greater than 65 pins
(17 people)
Your match completes each game in an average of 45 minutes or fewer.
(10 people)
More than 15 minutes elapse between the first two teams to finish the series and the last 2 teams to finish the series
(No one)
The other team in your match gets more than 65 pins of handicap
(9 people)
Get 4 spares in a row in the same game
(2 people)
Get a scoreboard animation from the Offensive Bowling Animations set. (Bird Strike, Drone Strike, JFK, School Zone, 'House of Cards')
(19 people)
In any game, the first ball of every frame knocks down at least 5 pins.
(18 people)
Roll at least 4 first-ball gutterballs throughout the series.
(1 person)
Throughout your series at least 3 frames rolled on your odd-numbered lane have a strike.
(17 people)
Roll a strike in frame 4 of any game
(9 people)
Your team gets more than 35 pins of handicap
(10 people)
A game in your match was decided by fewer than 12 pins.
(19 people)
Throughout your series at least 3 frames rolled on your even-numbered lane have a spare.
(21 people)
Leave frame 9 open in any game
(19 people)
Win round 1 in the Tournament of Champions
(10 people)
Roll a game more than 35 pins under your average
(3 people)
Roll a gutterball as the next roll after a spare in any game
(4 people)
You bowled with an established average and your average didn't change.
(9 people)
Your final scratch score in game 3 is a prime number
(5 people)
Every 10th strike rolled across the league tonight is a winner! (Strike #10, strike #20, etc.)
(12 people)
You aren't a blind and all 3 of your games are within 45 pins of your average.
(15 people)
Your team wins game 1
(12 people)
Spring 2024 Week 12
Spring 2024 TOTAL