We are now already halfway through the Fall 2021 season, and we marked this momentous occasion with absolutely no movement in the standings. Emily Nicolet picked up this week's high game (115) and series (291) for the women. As for the men, James Tott snagged this week's high game with a 226, and high series was earned by Dennis Walling with a 566. Read on for all the rest of the details!
The Halfway Point

Gaining Traction
In this seventh week of Fall 2021 the first-place team widened its already substantial lead slightly, while the second-place team continues doing all it can to remain a contender. And while we saw fewer 200s this week than in recent weeks, scores overall continue their trend toward improving. One bowler rolled a new personal best game. JoAnne Barber picked up this week's high game (160) and series (417) for the women, while Ben Spencer earned this week's high game (231) and series (584) for the men. Read on for all the rest of the details!

“Not a Robot”
This writeup has nothing to do with robots or "The Good Place", I just found myself unable to think of a title or cover image this week. But at least it's not a robot-written write-up, so we'll celebrate that. The sixth week saw two teams climb in the standings, while two teams slipped. Emily Nicolet landed this week's high game for the women with a 116, and women's high series was bagged by JoAnne Barber with a 325. As for the men, Ben Spencer earned this week's high game (249) and series (588). Read on for all the rest of the details!

Sweeps Week
By now every team has bowled each other once, so many of you league veterans may be expecting a position round next week. But, because of the way a 16-week schedule works with 6 teams, there will be no position rounds until the final week to allow every team ro bowl every other team an equal number of times.