While Mustache Cash Stash technically remains in first place by total pins, there are three teams tied for first place and a total of 5 teams that are within a game of first place. To have so many teams so close together at the top of the standings by week 6 is absolutely unprecedented in the history of our league. No, that's not hyperbole, I went through the week 6 standings of every past season and there has never been such a massive tie before by this point in the season.
Who’s On First?

When Do You Go Interdivisional?
The question has come up a few times as to what determines who plays in the interdivisional bracket of the Tournament of Champions each week.

Cash Stash Lashes First With Panache
Being lamewads, we here at Gutteralley can't claim to know what "Mustache Cash Stash" means or what the Google Image Search images that we found mean. But we do know enough to know that MCS = this week's first-place flavor-of-the-week.

The Left Rises (For Real This Time)
After jumping the gun last week, the Alt-Left can now finally celebrate a legitimate claim to first place, due largely to a certain team member who has apparently found new ways to exercise his left hand. Meanwhile last week's 1st place team plummets all the way to 5th. The Tournament of Champions also started up with its new 40-bowler format. Read on to see how it all shook out!

Led By The Lefties
The men of The Alt-Left left the bowling alley tonight so certain they had moved into first place that they even posed for this week's cover photo. But they apparently forgot we had expanded from 8 teams to 10 and didn't notice that a scoresheet at the far end was still being calculated. While the Alt-Left is still in a standings tie for first, total pins technically gives first place to Bowl Yer Ballz Off. What does this mean for the league? Well, it means that the two teams that feature right-handed bowlers who are bowling left-handed this season are leaving the rest of us in the dust. Have they uncovered a shocking new bowling secret???