35 seasons of bowling are now behind us, and while this season may not have set a lot of records, it still has a few firsts and a lot of fun moments. And the surprise come-from-behind championship win by Omaha Hambone marks the first title win in quite some time that didn't come from ne of the long-time dynasties.
Spring 2017 Recap

Nate Silver Predicted 71.4% Likelihood Frankee’s Uncles To Sweep Championship
Voting is open until 5:00pm on Monday.

Write-up Delayed
Because tonight made league history, the write-up is delayed while Scoot does some reprogramming.
Here's a hint, though: The Royals won tonight in extra innings!

Can the Dark Horse Still Win?
Probably not. Tonight was the last night of regular-season bowling, and next week decides it all! As is stands now, Omaha Hambone would have to sweep and then win the roll-off in order to defeat the perennial champs. However, Hambone is currently 4-4 against the Uncles, only won one game when they last faced each other, and last enjoyed a sweep 4 weeks ago. Sure, they may pull off a huge upset, but it's looking quite unlikely. How did it come to this?