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So Shines a Good Deed in a Weary World

Posted by ScooterJ January 31, 2017 Spring 2017, Week 2 View Score Sheets

With so much darkness and suffering in our country and the world the last 11 days, it is nothing short of miraculous when a tiny ray of light cuts through the darkness and brings hope to a world in sorrow. So, Omaha Hambone, we thank you.

First up, on lanes 1 & 2: Ebowla attempted to turn a rapidly-reinvented Suckeredintoit into Patient Zero. Sean Simmons and spearheaded the infection with a 456 series, but Suckeredintoit inoculated themselves with Brandon Darby's 375 to split the series. Ebowla drops 2 spots in the standings to 5th place, while Suckeredintoit makes their belated start in 7th. Look for this team to change again next week.

On lanes 3 & 4: FYWFK spent a terrabowl evening with Terra Bowler. Led by AJ Hofmann and his 486 series, FYWFK split the series with Terra Bowler. Meanwhile, led by Scott Murdock and his 455 series Ben Spencer and his blind 456 series, Terra Bowler managed to at least keep from losing. FYWFK remains in 6th place, while Terra Bowler moves up 1 spot to... 1st??? WTF?!?!?

On lanes 5 & 6: Trump's Toupee tried to deny entry to Holy Sandbaggers, Batman!. But (in an extrapolated parallel to the popular vote), led by Dustin Schmeltz and his 477 series, Trump's Toupee managed only 1 win against Holy Sandbaggers, Batman!. Meanwhile, led by Aubrey Moren and his 565 series, Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! secured 3 wins. Trump's Toupee drops 1 spot in the standings to 8th place, while Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! moves up 1 spot to 4th.

Finally, down on lanes 7 & 8: In a show of pure evil, the semi-defending Frankee's Uncles thought they should have swept with the multiple near-perfect games being rolled. However, they did not count on thebeacon of hope in these uncertain times in the form of Omaha Hambone. Led by Carl Goetz and his new personal-best 739 series, and assisted by Ken Wilson finally rolling his long-belated 100th 600+ series, Frankee's Uncles managed only 1 win against Omaha Hambone. Meanwhile, led by Michael Gordon and his ironically non-evil new personal-best 666 series, the Omaha Boners secured 3 wins. Frankee's Uncles drops 2 spots in the standings to 3rd place, while Omaha Hambone jumps 2 spots to 2nd. Yes, the team with Carl and Ken is 2 places behind the team with Scoot and Dennis. Booyah. [EDITOR'S NOTE: In the interest of full disclosure, the author of this piece is a member of the team accidentally propelled into first place as a result of the events of this particular matchup.]

Bowlers entering The 200 Club this week include: Aaron Barber (245,201), Aubrey Moren (202), Carl Goetz (225,259,255), Ken M. Wilson (220,223), Kody Karnes (232,218), and Michael Gordon (251,219)

See you next week!


Phil Schroeder
Runner Up:
(See Posting)


Carl Goetz
Runner Up:
Aaron Barber


Carl Goetz
Runner Up:
Ken M. Wilson

"Carl, when I am halfway throug shaving my balls, one looks like my head and one looks like Gordon's head."

Aaron Barber, to Carl, each time Carl got too close to rolling a perfect game.

Pos. Team name Record Percent Total Pins Change
1 Terra Bowler 6-2 .750 3,175 +1
2 Omaha Hambone 5-3 .625 4,662 +2
3 Frankee's Uncles 5-3 .625 4,251 -2
4 Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! 5-3 .625 3,730 +1
5 Ebowla 5-3 .625 2,735 -2
6 FYWFK 3-5 .375 2,742 n/a
7 Suckeredusintoit 2-6 .250 1,317 +1
8 Trump's Toupee 1-7 .125 3,084 -1

Top Individual Achievements for Week 2
Men's High Series Scratch Women's High Series Scratch
Carl Goetz - 739
Michael Gordon - 666
Kody Karnes - 641
Ken Wilson - 634
Aaron Barber - 632
Freda Schroeder - 439
Abby Kearns - 386
JoAnne Barber - 309
Chantal Jacot - 221
Claire McKeon - 221 (t)
Men's High Series Handicap Women's High Series Handicap
Carl Goetz - 760
Aaron Barber - 713
Michael Gordon - 709
Ken Wilson - 686
Phil Schroeder - 657
Abby Kearns - 621
Freda Schroeder - 556
Claire McKeon - 545
JoAnne Barber - 541
Chantal Jacot - 506
Men's High Game Scratch Women's High Game Scratch
Carl Goetz - 259
Michael Gordon - 251
Aaron Barber - 245
Kody Karnes - 232
Ken Wilson - 223
Abby Kearns - 161
Freda Schroeder - 156
JoAnne Barber - 112
Claire McKeon - 88
Chantal Jacot - 74
Men's High Game Handicap Women's High Game Handicap
Aaron Barber - 272
Carl Goetz - 266
Michael Gordon - 265
Dennis Cummings - 258
Phil Schroeder - 245
Abby Kearns - 239
Claire McKeon - 196
Freda Schroeder - 195
JoAnne Barber - 189
Chantal Jacot - 169
Men's Pins Over Average Women's Pins Over Average
Dennis Cummings - 80
Aaron Barber - 79
Michael Gordon - 69
Carl Goetz - 68
Phil Schroeder - 60
Abby Kearns - 59
Claire McKeon - 23
JoAnne Barber - 9
Freda Schroeder - 5

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