Archive for January, 2016

The 11th Frame — Week 1, Spring 2016

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 28 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

After a three year long hiatus, we are resurrecting the Thursday feature known as "The 11th Frame". This weekly series highlights some of the accomplishments and milestones that are often overlooked in the main weekly writeup.INDIVIDUALS: Read the rest of this entry »

Off And Rolling

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 26 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

The first week of our 33rd season began with lots of laughter and reunions, progressed through lots of beer, and ended with four teams rubbing their sore butts.First up, on lanes 41 & 42, a 404: Team Name Not Found suffering from 50% their normal level of Seans launched the season with a half-rookied Bowies In Space. Led by Scott Murdock and his 479 series, Team Name Not Found managed only 1 win against Bowies In Space. Meanwhile, Aaron Barber and his 607 series led Bowies In Space to 3 wins before floating off in a tin can. 404: Team Name Not Found debuts in 6th place, while Bowies In Space debuts in 2nd.

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Let’s Try This Again… It’s Time to Bowl!

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 22 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

After last week's over-panicked snow meltdown, we're ready to give starting this season a second shot! With the weather clowns forecasting partly sunny skies and a temperature a little above freezing, we ought to be a go this Tuesday, January 26th.The rest of this post is a repeat of what was posted last week. If you are new to the league or haven't rolled with us in a while, please read through the "INFO FOR THE NEWCOMERS & RETURNEES" section below if you didn't already do so last week.

This season will feature six new recruits making their debut this season! A special welcome to rookies Amber Waddle, Dustin Schmeltz, Leslie Patton, Michael Mead, Michelle Shoemaker, and Tim Deddens! In addition, three bowlers from the past are re-joining us. John Boren returns to us from the year 2014, Michelle Tollefson time-travels from 2003, and Angie Betts returns from what is literally the pre-historic years of our league, materializing from the ancient year of 2002.START DATE: Tuesday, January 19th 26th at 6:20PM (league bowling starts at 6:30 after ten minutes of practice)LOCATION: NKC Pro Bowl, 505 East 18th Avenue, North Kansas City, MO 64116. For you new / returning bowlers, we will be down on lanes 41-48 so you're best off parking behind the bowling alley. The rear parking lot is accessible only from the west side of the building from either 18th Ave or Erie St.MILESTONES TO LOOK FOR THIS SEASON Read the rest of this entry »

Bowling Postponed 1 Week

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 19 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

We got a call from AMF a short while ago, all their other leagues have cancelled tonight due to the weather. Because I had already heard from several others who would not be able to be there tonight, it did not make sense for us to make the bowling alley stay open for about half of our league to show up.Our entire schedule has been shifted by 1 week, and this is now reflected on the web site. We will see you all on the lanes on January 26. Drive safely tonight!

New Features for Spring 2016

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 18 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

Scoot was a busy little programmer this weekend adding more frequently-requested features to the bowling site.Team-By-Team Win-Loss RecordsThere have always been certain teams that make wagers with each other, and then they have to go back and use actual math at the end of the season to see who won. And nobody wants to do that! So now, on each team's profile page, a handy chart shows that team's win-loss record against every opponent they have played throughout the season.

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Welcome to the Spring 2016 Season!

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 11 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

Thaw your balls, it's time to return to the lanes as the 33rd season of GutterAlley begins on Tuesday, January 19!This season will feature six new recruits making their debut this season! A special welcome to rookies Amber Waddle, Dustin Schmeltz, Leslie Patton, Michael Mead, Michelle Shoemaker, and Tim Deddens! In addition, three bowlers from the past are re-joining us. John Boren returns to us from the year 2014, Michelle Tollefson time-travels from 2003, and Angie Betts returns from what is literally the pre-historic years of our league, materializing from the ancient year of 2002.START DATE: Tuesday, January 19th at 6:20PM (league bowling starts at 6:30 after ten minutes of practice)LOCATION: NKC Pro Bowl, 505 East 18th Avenue, North Kansas City, MO 64116. For you new / returning bowlers, we will be down on lanes 41-48 so you're best off parking behind the bowling alley. The rear parking lot is accessible only from the west side of the building from either 18th Ave or Erie St.MILESTONES TO LOOK FOR THIS SEASON Read the rest of this entry »

We’re Full!

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 11 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

We're down to the last week before the Spring 2016 season begins, and our league is now full! Thank you to those of you who worked so hard to try to find new bowlers, and special thanks to the A.A.A. trio that succeeded: Aaron Barber, AJ Hofmann, and Angela Bradford!We urgently need team names, bowling orders, and team captains from some of you. I'm especially looking at you: Jonathon, John, Seth, & Carl; Angela, Bob, Kody, & Michelle; AJ, Andrew, Chelsie, & Tim; Amber, Angie, Leslie, & Michelle; and Dustin, Michael, Michael, & Aaron. Get that info emailed to or sent to Scoot through other available means in the next couple of days!

Come and Play With Us

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 8 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

An expected 8th team for the Spring 2016 season has fallen through, so this is an urgent plea for 3-4 bowlers to join (or re-join) our league. Bowling begins January 19, but the final roster is needed by Friday, January 15!Our league is just-for-fun and meets Tuesday evenings. We don't care about skill level, all you have to do is be able to roll a ball 60 feet along a smooth oily surface. You also don't have to work for VML, though it's a lot cheaper if you do!Starts: January 19th, 2016 at 6:30pm (practice starts at 6:15)Ends: May 10th, 2016 (total of 17 weeks)Cost: $14 per week, does NOT include the cost of rental shoes. (Full-time VML employees pay only $8/week.)Location: AMF Pro Bowl Lanes (North Kansas City), Lanes 41-48. (Park behind the building.)You can either sign up a full team, or you can sign up as an individual. Either way, the next few people to sign up will all be on the same team. :) Keep an eye on our Recruitment page for the latest updates. If you're interested in joining us, please send us an email right away!



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For those who like to hang out in the bar between turns, which of these would you prefer as a way of known when it's your turn?

  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

    (100%, 1 Votes)
  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

    (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 1

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Andy Metzler and the pink shirt.