It's that time of year again! Our next season of bowling begins on January 19, and we have open positions for a few more bowlers to join the league. We are an unsanctioned mixed-league that rolls on Tuesday evenings, with the focus being on fun. All skill levels are welcome.Starts: January 19th, 2016 at 6:30pm (practice starting at 6:20)Ends: May 10th, 2016 (total of 17 weeks)Cost: $14 per week, does NOT include the cost of rental shoes. (Full-time VML employees pay only $8/week.)Location: AMF Pro Bowl Lanes (North Kansas City), Lanes 41-48. (Park behind the building.)At present we have two teams that need an additional bowler or two, and we have one completely empty team that needs filled. Please see our recruitment page for the most up-to-date details on the status of the upcoming season's roster.If you're interested in joining us, please send us an email!
Bowlers Needed for the Upcoming Season!

Fall 2015 is in The Books!
With 32 seasons of bowling now behind us, the Fall 2015 season ended tonight as the 4th best season in league history. Both in terms of combined league average and in terms of the number (206) of 200+ games rolled. Congratulations, everyone, on a great season!BEFORE WE GET ON WITH THE WRITEUP, BE SURE TO VOTE FOR YOUR END OF SEASON FAVORITES! AND JOIN US ON DEC 22 FOR PRIZE MONEY AND FUN WEEK!Since no teams changed positions in the standings, the rundown of the matchups will also double as a rundown of the final rankings.
First up, on lanes 41 & 42: Salt Water Taffy had no need to defend their 1st place title against Stephen Hawking's Dance Club. Thanks to Ian Goetz and his 629 series, Salt Water Taffy managed their one and only post-clinch win. Russell Bingham's 628 series led Stephen Hawking's Dance Club to 3 wins. Salt Water Taffy remains in 1st place, while Stephen Hawking's Dance Club remains in 2nd.

Falling Apart at the Seams
For reasons unknown, that definitely had nothing to do with the first place team getting swept, the lanes started falling apart tonight! As did any chance of seeing any of 2nd thru 6th place get locked up early.

Taffy Sticks It!
With their victories tonight, and with an assist provided by Split It & Hit It, Salt Water Taffy secured the Fall 2015 championship tonight. This is the 2nd championship for Jonathan Vigliaturo, the 5th for Ian Goetz, the 7th for Seth Gunderson, and the 10th for Carl Goetz. Congratulations, fellas! Try not to spend your extra five bucks in one place.The fact that the championship was determined already kind of tells you what went down on lanes 41 & 42. Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! was led by Phil Schroeder and his 533 series, but in a strange twist Freda Schroeder snagged both Most Valuable Bowler and #1 Power Ranked Bowler despite mustering only 1 win against Salt Water Taffy. Carl Goetz stormed the path to victory with his 644 series. Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! remains in 3rd place, while Salt Water Taffy remains in 1st in perpetuity.