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Fall 2003, Week 8

Posted by BowlingBot October 14, 2003 Fall 2003, Week 8 View Score Sheets

Fall 2003 Week 8 Robo-RecapThe Fall 2003 position round is now history, and and the championship will be on us before we know it! The eighth week saw three teams climb in the standings, while two teams slipped. One bowler set a new personal best series, and one rolled new personal high game. Angela Bradford picked up this week's high game (204) and series (551) for the women. As for the men, Pat Searcy snagged this week's high game with a 225, and high series was earned by David Codding with a 563. Read on for all the rest of the details!

First up, on lanes 15 & 16: Anchors Aweigh! celebrated their love of large, heavy balls with Bowlers of Mass Confusion. Showcasing David Codding with his 563 series, the Anchors split the series with Mass Confusion. On the other half of the score sheet, Corey Weinfurt took the lead in Mass Confusion with his above-average 497 as they matched their opponent in wins. Anchors Aweigh! remains in 1st place, while Mass Confusion remains in 2nd.

week8On lanes 17 & 18: Wolverines couldn't stop inappropriately groping Atomic Goo. Although topped by Dennis Laube with his above-average 485 series, the Wolverines got swept by Atomic Goo. Countering this, Steve Robinson mastered Atomic Goo with his below-average 431 as they swept the competition. Wolverines plummet 2 spots in the standings to 5th place, while Atomic Goo moves 1 spot to 3rd.

On lanes 19 & 20: Spare Change kept stealing sips of beer from Bowl me Ishmael!. With Spare Change forfeiting, all Ishmael needed to do was roll within 40 pins of their combined team average each game. Mission accomplished. In their battle to get within at least 40 pins of average, Dennis Pruitt guided Ishmael with his dramatic 452 as they swept the competition. Spare Change plummets 2 spots in the standings to 7th place, while Ishmael jumps 2 spots to 4th.

Finally, down on lanes 21 & 22: Gutter Minds spent a romantic evening with Theee Beeelt. Although blessed by Pat Searcy with his 561 series, Gutter Minds accomplished only 1 win against Theee Beeelt. While that was going down, trifecta-winner (#1 Head-to-Head, #1 Power-Ranked, and Most Valuable Bowler) Seth Gunderson called the shots for Theee Beeelt with his terrific 557 as his team took the series with 3 wins. Gutter Minds leap 1 spot in the standings to 6th place, while Theee Beeelt remains in 8th.

Bowlers lounging at The 200 Club include: Angela Bradford (204), David Codding (202,202), Dennis Laube (200), Pat Searcy (225), and Seth Gunderson (201)

A new personal high game was set tonight by Seth Gunderson (201, previous best 194). In addition, a new personal best series was rolled by Seth Gunderson (557, previous best 457).

The 204 rolled by Angela Bradford is tied for the 8th-best women's game in league history!
The 551 rolled by Angela Bradford is the new 5th-best women's series in league history!

In this week's Tournament of Champions brackets: Nobody claimed victory in Division 1 (though Angela Bradford came closest), while nobody claimed victory in Division 2 (though Justin Strelow came closest). Seth Gunderson walloped Division 3, and Dennis Pruitt creamed Division 4. In terms of overall points: Carl Goetz calls the shots for Division 1; Aaron Weidner, Steve Robinson, and Pat Searcy lead Division 2 in a tie; Seth Gunderson tops Division 3; and Ginger O'Reilly and Dennis Pruitt reign over Division 4 in a tie.

  • First, on lanes 15&16, 7th-place Spare Change will battle 8th-place Theee Beeelt (hcp 31). Spare Change is expected to maintain their current strength as they lose the series but avoid getting swept; while Theee Beeelt is forecast to raise their average while they enjoy their victories.
  • Moving to lanes 17&18, 3rd-place Atomic Goo will spend some quality time with 4th-place Bowl me Ishmael! (hcp 38). Atomic Goo might maintain their current strength as they lose the series but avoid getting swept; while Ishmael ought to raise their average while they enjoy their victories.
  • Then, over on lanes 19&20, 2nd-place Bowlers of Mass Confusion will chill with 5th-place Wolverines (hcp 26). Mass Confusion will likely maintain their current strength as they get swept; while the Wolverines will probably raise their average while they rack up a sweep.
  • Finally, on lanes 21&22, 1st-place Anchors Aweigh! will tussle with 6th-place Gutter Minds (hcp 36). The Anchors are predicted to perform well and win the series; while Gutter Minds are anticipated to raise their average even as they avoid getting swept.
*(Remember, the predicted results above are based on mathematical extrapolations and can be changed by all sorts of factors. If you don't like how your team's results are predicted, you and your teammates have the power to prove the math wrong!)


Seth Gunderson
Runner Up:
(See Posting)


Seth Gunderson
Runner Up:
Dennis Pruitt


Seth Gunderson
Runner Up:
Dennis Pruitt

"I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos."

Steve Robinson, letting his inner führer out.

Pos. Team name Record Percent Total Pins Change
1 Anchors Aweigh! 22.5-9.5 .703 16,663 n/a
2 Bowlers of Mass Confusion 18-14 .563 14,266 n/a
3 Atomic Goo 18-14 .563 12,756 +1
4 Bowl me Ishmael! 16.5-15.5 .516 11,402 +2
5 Wolverines 15-17 .469 11,693 -2
6 Gutter Minds 13-19 .406 15,525 +1
7 Spare Change 13-19 .406 14,729 -2
8 Theee Beeelt 12-20 .375 13,789 n/a
Top Individual Achievements for Week 8
Men's High Series Scratch Women's High Series Scratch
David Codding - 563
Pat Searcy - 561
Seth Gunderson - 557
Carl Goetz - 512
Corey Weinfurt - 497
Angela Bradford - 551
Andee Weinfurt - 405
Deena Slinkard - 391
Janelle Lamar - 378
Marca Robinson - 339
Men's High Series Handicap Women's High Series Handicap
Seth Gunderson - 717
Dennis Pruitt - 648
Michael Basham - 620
Dennis Laube - 612
Corey Weinfurt - 612 (t)
Angela Bradford - 644
Janelle Lamar - 572
Andee Weinfurt - 563
Deena Slinkard - 547
Marca Robinson - 528
Men's High Game Scratch Women's High Game Scratch
Pat Searcy - 225
David Codding - 202
Seth Gunderson - 201
Dennis Laube - 200
Corey Weinfurt - 196
Angela Bradford - 204
Andee Weinfurt - 151
Deena Slinkard - 147
Janelle Lamar - 138
Ginger O'Reilly - 122
Men's High Game Handicap Women's High Game Handicap
Seth Gunderson - 254
Dennis Laube - 242
Pat Searcy - 241
Corey Weinfurt - 234
Michael Basham - 229
Angela Bradford - 235
Andee Weinfurt - 203
Janelle Lamar - 202
Deena Slinkard - 199
Ginger O'Reilly - 197
Men's Pins Over Average Women's Pins Over Average
Seth Gunderson - 68
Dennis Laube - 53
Michael Basham - 46
Pat Searcy - 45
Corey Weinfurt - 44
Angela Bradford - 43
Janelle Lamar - 19
Andee Weinfurt - 17
Ginger O'Reilly - 16
Deena Slinkard - 12

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  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

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  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

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  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

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