Top 25 Games Settled by a Single Pin 

You've glanced up at the scoreboard and the game is tied. Everyone has been bowling really well and yet, here we are, with the victory in the balance – down to the wire. The tenth frame begins and, after all is said and done, the game is decided by... a single pin. Below are the top 25 of these instances.Here are the Top 25 Games Settled by a Single Pin*:

Top 25 Games Settled by a Single Pin
Rank Outcome Score Season Week Game
1. Tatonka beat Bowl Movement ** 917-916  Spring 2006   Week 10   Game 3 
2. Strange Bedfellows beat The Turkey Hunters 873-872  Spring 2012   Week 16   Game 3 
3. Omaha Hambone beat Frankee's Uncles 847-846  Spring 2017   Week 2   Game 2 
4. Chico's Bail Bonds beat Ain't No Sh!t 786-785  Fall 2008   Week 10   Game 3 
5. Splitbowl Countries beat HOF Sandwich 754-753  Spring 2018   Week 6   Game 2 
6. Split It and Hit It beat Breaking Bad 753-752  Fall 2013   Week 2   Game 2 
7. It Starts Now! beat Squid Row 739-738  Spring 2024   Week 12   Game 3 
8. The Finger Holes beat Bowltron 737-736  Spring 2014   Week 12   Game 1 
9. NotContra beat Holy Sandbaggers,... 732-731  Fall 2017   Week 16   Game 1 
10. Gutter Minds beat Anchors Aweigh! 730-729  Fall 2003   Week 1   Game 3 
11. Stephen Hawking's... beat Hold My Beer, Watch... 729-728  Fall 2015   Week 3   Game 1 
12. Salt Water Taffy beat Stephen Hawking's... 725-724  Fall 2015   Week 7   Game 2 
13. Pin Is King 3 beat Scootylicious 714-713  Spring 2020   Week 5   Game 1 
14. Pin Is King 2 beat BDE 700-699  Fall 2019   Week 11   Game 3 
15. Bora Bora! beat The Big LeBowlskies 698-697  Fall 2005   Week 3   Game 1 
16. Split It & Hit It beat Salt Water Taffy 693-692  Fall 2015   Week 5   Game 1 
17. Split It and Hit It beat Will Strike if... 690-689  Fall 2013   Week 15   Game 2 
18. Pin Is King 3 beat KLEAN BAWLZ!!1 688-687  Spring 2020   Week 1   Game 1 
19. 2 Tall Asians, 2... beat Recreation... 687-686  Spring 2004   Week 9   Game 3 
20. Doll's Balls beat Frickin' Ten Pin 685-684  Spring 2007   Week 7   Game 2 
21. Holy Sandbaggers,... beat 404: Team Name Not... 685-684  Spring 2016   Week 14   Game 2 
22. Ballz Out beat Mayan Apocalypse 685-684  Fall 2012   Week 6   Game 3 
23. 10 Pins 10 Balls beat Split It & Hit It 684-683  Spring 2015   Week 12   Game 3 
24. Ebowla beat You Don't Know Sh!t 682-681  Spring 2008   Week 6   Game 3 
25. Theee Beeelt beat Anchors Aweigh! 681-680  Fall 2003   Week 7   Game 2 
* Games are ranked by the combination of total pins.** This season had teams of 5 instead of the usual 4.Want to see more lists? Check out the master list of Top 25s...



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For those who like to hang out in the bar between turns, which of these would you prefer as a way of known when it's your turn?

  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

    (100%, 1 Votes)
  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

    (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

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