Top 25 Most Weeks To Get To First Place 

You might bowl your heart out and give it your all, but bowling is a team sport and so many other factors can come into play that it might seem nothing you can do will ever get you into first place, even if just fleetingly. Here are the top 25 people who had to put in the most weeks of bowling before finally achieving that dream for the first time.

Top 25 Bowlers Who Went The Longest Before Finally Getting To Enjoy First Place
Rank Bowler Weeks of Bowling it Took Starting From Finally Achieved 1st Place On
1. AJ Hofmann 319 Spring 2014, wk. 16 Fall 2020, wk. 8
2. Michael Gordon 262 Spring 2014, wk. 16 Spring 2023, wk. 16
3. Seth Gunderson 261 Spring 2014, wk. 16 Spring 2014, wk. 16
4. Scott Murdock 215 Spring 2009, wk. 16 Spring 2009, wk. 16
5. Ken M. Wilson 190 Fall 2008, wk. 16 Fall 2008, wk. 16
6. Dennis Walling 186 Fall 2017, wk. 16 Spring 2023, wk. 16
7. Matthew Taylor 179 Fall 2017, wk. 16 Spring 2023, wk. 16
8. Carl Goetz 178 Fall 2008, wk. 16 Fall 2008, wk. 16
9. Angela Bradford 135 Spring 2009, wk. 16 Spring 2009, wk. 16
10. Bob Brunker 134 Spring 2009, wk. 16 Spring 2009, wk. 16
11. John Boren 125 Fall 2016, wk. 16 Fall 2016, wk. 16
12. Ben Spencer 124 Fall 2016, wk. 16 Fall 2020, wk. 8
13. Deena Slinkard 118 Spring 2009, wk. 16 Spring 2009, wk. 16
14. Aaron Barber 113 Fall 2016, wk. 16 Fall 2017, wk. 16
15. Ian Goetz 113 Spring 2014, wk. 16 Spring 2014, wk. 16
16. Jonathan Vigliaturo 96 Spring 2014, wk. 16 Spring 2014, wk. 16
17. Andy McLeod 94 Spring 2014, wk. 16 Spring 2014, wk. 16
18. Chris Lewis 79 Fall 2008, wk. 16 Fall 2008, wk. 16
19. Jennifer Seefeldt 48 Fall 2008, wk. 16 Fall 2008, wk. 16
20. Nick Kinney 16 Fall 2017, wk. 16 Fall 2017, wk. 16

Want to see more lists? Check out the master list of Top 25s...



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Amy Logan filed charges shortly after this picture.