Spring 2016 is History

Spring 2016 Posted by ScooterJ On May 24, 2016ADD COMMENTS

With 33 seasons of bowling now behind us, the Spring 2016 season ended tonight as the 3rd best season in league history in terms of combined league average, and 4th best and in terms of the number (215) of 200+ games rolled. Congratulations, everyone, on a great season! (more...)  Read More →

Why Did Pocahontas Leave Her Hairpiece By The Campfire?

Spring 2016, Week 16 Posted by ScooterJ On May 18, 2016ADD COMMENTS

Tonight, on our last real night of bowling, we were joined by several new people that had never rolled in our league all season. It was the strangest thing, though... none of them were ever seen at the same time as Amber, Michelle S., Angela, Bob, Kody, or John Boren. Very! weird!Anyway, with the championship already decided last week, we're just going to fly with the mostly computer-generated version of the lane-by-lane portion of the recap so we can hurry and get to the part you all really care... (more...)

Back to Back Clinchings

Spring 2016, Week 15 Posted by ScooterJ On May 10, 2016ADD COMMENTS

Fallop Ian clinched the the championship tonight, back-to-back championships for each member of the team! (Technically John Boren was not on the previous winning team, but his team took 1st the last time he bowled.) This is the 11th championship for Carl Goetz, the 8th for Seth Gunderson, the 6th for John Boren, and the 3rd for Jonathan Vigliaturo. Congratulations, guys! But maybe give someone else a chance? First up, on lanes 41 & 42: Despite another successful tailgating episode,... (more...)

Split Sisters Split It and Swept It

Spring 2016, Week 14 Posted by ScooterJ On May 3, 2016ADD COMMENTS

The Split Sisters utilized the power of high squeaky sounds of excitement to eke out their first sweep of the season! How did everyone else do? Read on to find out...The last time Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! faced 404: Team Name Not Found, a surprising upset resulted in a 3-game victory for 404. Tonight the Sandbaggers were hungry to settle the score. So hungry, in fact, they brought tupperware to take home the leftovers. Unfortunately Aubrey Moren was one of two bowlers wearing an apparently... (more...)

Escaping the Flood

Spring 2016, Week 13 Posted by ScooterJ On April 26, 2016ADD COMMENTS
A 12-board-wide patch of sticky goo made for difficult bowling on lane 48.

Tonight bowling ended nearly half an hour earlier than usual, allowing everyone to get home without drowning or getting struck by lightning. Due to a combination of weather and Scoot being really tired, we'll be using the computer-generated writeup tonight. Sorry about that! (more...)  Read More →


Spring 2016, Week 12 Posted by ScooterJ On April 19, 2016ADD COMMENTS

When bowling begins with a tailgating session — certainly a first in our league's history and very possibly a first in the history of AMF Pro Bowl — it's an omen that more unexpected things are in store. With new records set and trash talk backfiring, this was definitely an evening of surprises. The last time 404: Team Name Not Found visited with Split It & Hit It, it was a clean sweep for the 404. This would not be the case tonight, however. Though Russell Bingham led Split It with a... (more...)

From Everyone Here, to Barely a Soul Left

Spring 2016, Week 11 Posted by ScooterJ On April 12, 20161 COMMENT

Tonight's bowling session included some pretty aggravating lane malfunctions, two demonic series (666), and the first 200+ game by a member of Split Sisters. It was also the first time, all season, that all 32 of our bowlers were all present at the same time.First up, on lanes 41 & 42: Bowlgasmic had been predicted to take this series and finally put some pressure on the league leaders. But Fallop Ian just does not seem to be stoppable. This week it was John Boren who, with a 629 series,... (more...)

A Royal Mess

Spring 2016, Week 10 Posted by ScooterJ On April 5, 2016ADD COMMENTS

You can always tell when the Royals are playing -- every team that has people related to Freda on it has absent bowlers. Bowling went quickly for most, though we can't report on everything until Fallop Ian post-bowls. UPDATE! All scores are now in.First up among those matchups we can talk about, on lanes 41 & 42: Bowies In Space hoped to continue to hold onto their framed photo of David Bowie as The Goblin King. Despite a massive 615 series by Michael Mead, however, Bowie was only able... (more...)

Fear The Cheese

Spring 2016, Week 9 Posted by ScooterJ On March 29, 20162 COMMENTS

There are many legends and rituals throughout the history of our Bowling League. There was the time David Parre shoved Corey Weinfurt to the ground. (Quickly apoligized for and they made up.) Then there was the time an annoyed Thomas Lin threw his ball nearly to the snack bar. (Also quickly apologized for.) And let's not forget the time Amy Goodnow was accused of smuggling in vodka and almost got banned when in frustration she poured her water bottle out onto the main counter to prove it wasn't... (more...)


Spring 2016, Week 8 Posted by ScooterJ On March 22, 2016ADD COMMENTS

Bookended by a lack of movement, the 6 teams not at the extremes all saw shuffling in the standings in this week's position round. Though it's doubful anyone noticed over all the celebratory hollering down on lane 48. First up, on lanes 41 & 42: Fallop Ian met Bowies In Space in a content for rights to the Bowie photo. Led by Carl Goetz and his 633 series, Fallop Ian secured 3 wins against Bowies In Space and got to take the trophy home. Meanwhile, Aaron Barber led Bowies to 1 win with... (more...)

Is the Championship In the Cards?

Spring 2016, Week 7 Posted by ScooterJ On March 15, 2016ADD COMMENTS

With the midseason position round coming up next week already, one team already seems destined for the championship. Fallop Ian began the season in first place and, despite a few challengers, has yet to relinquish that spot. Will the position round bring about an end to their streak? We'll find out next week. (more...)  Read More →

The 11th Frame — Week 6, Spring 2016

Spring 2016 Posted by ScooterJ On March 11, 2016ADD COMMENTS

This week we look at the accomplishments of a couple of bowlers and make some Tournament of Champions predictions.After a break due to disease and exhaustion, The 1tth Frame returns this week.INDIVIDUALS: (more...)  Read More →

Almost No Change

Spring 2016, Week 6 Posted by ScooterJ On March 8, 2016ADD COMMENTS

Despite some major upsets across the league, nothing changed in the standings. Well, almost nothing.First up, on lanes 41 & 42: Bowies In Space met with Bowlgasmic. Led by #1 Power ranked Michael Gordon and his 651 series (his new personal best!), and assisted by the glass-shattering distraction skills of Michael Mead, Bowies In Space secured 3 wins against Bowlgasmic. Notice that Aaron Barber continues to not win any special awards since he is still refusing to dress up as David Bowie.... (more...)

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Spring 2016, Week 5 Posted by ScooterJ On March 1, 2016ADD COMMENTS

For most of the league it was simply too far past their bedtimes, but those who stuck around to the end experienced quite the show. That said, much like the conclusion of bowling this week, we'll come to that in due time.As Scott Murdock walked into the bowling alley this evening, he noticed Jonathan Vigliaturo standing outside near the back door. Making eye contact, Scoot flashed him a grin, followed by a point and a nod as if to say "you're going down," Scoot headed inside, where he then learned... (more...)

Fallop Ian Squeezes Through a Small Lead

Spring 2016, Week 4 Posted by ScooterJ On February 23, 2016ADD COMMENTS

Half of tonight's matchups saw underdogs come out on top, while the other half saw bullies beat up on their prey. Which way did each matchup go? Read on to find out.First up, on lanes 41 & 42: Bowlgasmic intended to crush Glory Bowl into oblivion. Glory Bowl was already suffering due to Chelsie Finger needing to drop out for the season ue to an elbow injury. But then Bowlgasmic lost both Michelle Tollefson and Angela Bradford for the evening. As it turns out, the bad boys of Bowlgasmic... (more...)

The 11th Frame — Week 3, Spring 2016

Spring 2016 Posted by ScooterJ On February 19, 2016ADD COMMENTS

This week we look at the accomplishments of a couple of bowlers and make some Tournament of Champions predictions.INDIVIDUALS: (more...)  Read More →

Theory of Relativity Proven

Spring 2016, Week 3 Posted by ScooterJ On February 16, 2016ADD COMMENTS

Just days after the announcement that gravity waves were detected, another portion of Einstein's Theory of Relativity was proven tonight when the matchup that involved Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! finished in less time than any other matchup! Granted, they shed half of their mass in order do do it, but it's all part of the famous equation.First up, on lanes 41 & 42: The usual members of Split It & Hit It did battle with a pint-sized Holy Sandbaggers, Batman!. Led by Dennis Blake and his 542... (more...)

Let’s Bowl!

Spring 2016 Posted by ScooterJ On February 16, 2016ADD COMMENTS

Barring another urgent 4:00 phone call from AMC alerting us to yet another outside force beyond anyone's control, bowling is on this afternoon.Though it feels to some like this should be the 5th week by now (because it should be), we will be rolling Week 3 of our schedule this week. We hope this means that Seth Gunderson, Andrew Finger, and Chelsie Finger will be able to make it tonight, since none of the three of you have set your average yet.Though the web site has been updated to reflect the... (more...)


Spring 2016 Posted by ScooterJ On February 9, 20161 COMMENT

Water main break on 18th Ave in front of bowling alley. City ordering all affected business to shut down for the evening. Week 3 of bowling is postponed to next week.  Read More →

The 11th Frame — Week 2, Spring 2016

Spring 2016 Posted by ScooterJ On February 5, 2016ADD COMMENTS

This day-late issue of The 11th frame features on everyone's favorite aspect of our league (other than humping Scoot), the Tournament of Champions!INDIVIDUALS: (more...)  Read More →



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For those who like to hang out in the bar between turns, which of these would you prefer as a way of known when it's your turn?

  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

    (100%, 2 Votes)
  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

    (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

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