Hall of Famer: Ken M. Wilson 

Ken M. Wilson was inducted into the GutterAlley Hall of Fame in its inaugural class during the Spring 2011 season. Little did Angela Bradford know what a monster she was going to awaken when she asked Ken to fill the last spot in that initial Spring 2000 season of the VML bowling league. Since that time, Wilson embraced the league and took over the presidency several seasons after that having run it ever since. Throughout his career on the lanes, Ken has managed to make his way into the top five of each category for the men in the individual achievements including throwing the league's all-time highest game, a 299 – one pin away from a perfect game. He has won more first place titles than any other bowler in league history. As of the day of his induction, he had been a member of 11 championship teams: Fall 2000, Fall 2001, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003, Spring 2004, Fall 2008, Fall 2009, Spring 2010, Fall 2010 and Spring 2011. Twice, his teams won the title four times in a row.Wilson's name also comes up quite a bit in the season ending league favorites. He's won Captain of the Season six times, Defensive Bowler of the Season five times, has been chosen the People's Choice Most Valuable Bowler three times and won the Actual MVB twice as well as tied for the honor in two other seasons alongside Andy McLeod in Fall 2006 and Carl Goetz in Spring 2011.

Quotes about Ken from members of the league:

"Because I can't vote for myself, who deserves it other than me? Ken. Who is loved for his dedication to the league and hated for his dedication to bowling? Ken. Who wants to raise the bowling rates so he can make more money when he wins the championship and other cash awards yet again? Ken. And who missed the perfect game by one sorry pin? Ken. No Ken, no bowling league, no fun. Hall of Fame."

"Continued commitment to the league to keep it going. Without Ken we would have gone out of business years ago. Also always in the upper level of bowling average, therefore, helping his team come out of top many years."

"If there is one person that *IS* VML bowling, it's Ken. He's won more, he's done more, he IS the league."

And from the inductee himself...

1. What is your personal favorite memory from all your years in the league?

It sure isn't that damn 299.Honestly, my favorite memory involves a personal quest I undertook after failing to lead my team to the championship during the Spring 2001 season. My teammates were David Codding, Nik Domann and Jimmy Henderson. I promised them at the beginning of that season that we would win the championship. A week before the Finals I missed a 4-pin spare in the 10th frame and it cost us the game. The following week, we ended up getting edged out for the title by a total pins tie breaker. Now, had I picked up that spare we would have been the outright winners. That tore me up because I had personally cost those three guys their first title. That night I swore to myself that I would win them the title the following season...but schedules got into the way and not all of them could return to the league. Over the course of the next two and a half years I fought tooth and nail to bring each one of them back into the league and then lead them to a title. Jimmy and I won it in the Fall of 2001. Nik got his title on our team in the Spring 2003 season. Codding finally won his first title when we paired up in the Fall of 2003. That single pin miss back in 2001 lit a fire in me that continues to burn fiercly to this day...as I cannot stand to let my team down when the game is on the line. I've failed more times than I care to remember when the game is on the line but rest assuredly, I intend to make it up...and making it up to Codding, Nik and Jimmy by delivering them titles still ranks as my all-time favorite memory.

2. What is it about this league that continued to bring you back season after season?

The rare chance to see Nellie's tornado or Emily's spare dance! Naw, it's cliche but I really love the friendships that have sprung up with the hundreds of people that have shown up on Tuesday nights to do battle in the league. Plus, it's kinda fun being the bad guy that everyone wants to beat. Talk about providing a guy with extra incentive to do his best each week.

3. What does it mean for you to be inducted into the Hall of Fame?

It means quite a lot to me to be a part of the inaugural class alongside league legends like AB and Freda. Wait a minute, Scoot made it as well?!? Hmm. I think anyone that knows me knows how much I love this league and being presented with this honor gives me all the more reason to continue to do my best to see that it keeps on going so that more people can experience the sheer joy I feel every Tuesday night when I step inside the bowling alley knowing that I'm about to spend my evening with some of my favorite people of all time.



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For those who like to hang out in the bar between turns, which of these would you prefer as a way of known when it's your turn?

  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

    (100%, 2 Votes)
  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

    (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

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