Cover Story

Halfway to the Pot o’ Gold

Posted by ScooterJ On March - 14 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

Our season is now officially half over. Three teams are sliding along the downhill side of the rainbow towards the pot of gold, while everyone else is still back on the uphill slope, weighed down with too much corned beef and green beer.

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Gearing Up for the Position Round

Posted by ScooterJ On March - 7 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

The season is already nearly halfway over, and as we move into next week's position round the only shakeup in the standings is the surprise result of Frankee's Uncles no longer rolling on lanes 1-2 next week.

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Fat Tuesday? Nah, It’s Just a Beer Belly.

Posted by ScooterJ On February - 28 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

Tonight we had several bowlers off celebrating Mardis Gras, and for a while it seemed some of the lanes might take the night off as well. Luckily everything came together and we finished our games with little debauchery, no arrests, and no one getting run over.

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Bowl To The Future

Posted by ScooterJ On February - 22 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

Okay, get ready for this, our league has just undergone time travel and split off into an alternate reality.

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Our Gutters ♥ Your Balls

Posted by ScooterJ On February - 14 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

While many bowlers were either absent or pre-bowled, most of the league knew what their true love is and spend Valentine's evening chucking balls down the lane.

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Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!

Posted by ScooterJ On February - 8 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

Tonight was a night of some pretty incredible games. With two veterans setting new personal high games, one setting a new personal high series, and people rolling well above their average in every one of our matchups, tonight was literally smoking!

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So Shines a Good Deed in a Weary World

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 31 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

With so much darkness and suffering in our country and the world the last 11 days, it is nothing short of miraculous when a tiny ray of light cuts through the darkness and brings hope to a world in sorrow. So, Omaha Hambone, we thank you.

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Spring 2017 Kickoff!

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 24 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

Our 35th season kicked off with what could very well turn out to be the most fun, least competitive season we have had in years. A dozen rookies make up more than a third of the league, so anything goes!

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Inaugurating the Spring Season

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 21 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

Welcome to the Spring 2017 bowling season, our 35th session! In addition to the return of multiple females and a double-digit number of rookies, this season marks the apparent end of VML's dominance of the league. VML now provides the same number of members as Decision Insight, and neither of them provide as many bowlers as Aaron Barber, Michael Gordon, and AJ Hofmann do!

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Spring 2017 Update

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 16 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

Just a quick update on the status of the Spring 2017 season:

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2016 Is A Wrap

Posted by ScooterJ On December - 21 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

With 34 seasons of bowling now behind us, the Fall 2016 season ended tonight as the 3rd best season in league history in terms of combined league average. Congratulations, everyone, on a great season!

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Same Result, with a Tiny New Twist

Posted by ScooterJ On December - 6 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

Congratulations to Seth and Ashlee Gunderson on the birth this morning of their first child, Spring 2038 women’s high game scratch winner Frankee Belle Gunderson! (Oh also also congratulations to Seth and his team for winning the championship yet again...)

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Up In The Air

Posted by ScooterJ On November - 29 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

All bowling scores are in, and the headline for this write-up doesn't need to change! After ruling the roost all season, Vote JV is now in a tie with the team that is trying very hard to live up to the namesake of its acronymous name. It litterally comes down to who wins next week!

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Thankful For a More Interesting Championship

Posted by ScooterJ On November - 22 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

In what was a very short night for everybody except the poor schmoes on the first pair of lanes, things suddenly have become potentially very interesting as we close in on the Championship round. Without warning, the team that has been running away with first place all season is finding themselves needing to fight for it. How did this happen?

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Flat-ner Is Coming

Posted by ScooterJ On November - 15 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

After years over suffering with blurry, miscolored, distorted scoreboards, we have credible information that by next week all of the scoreboards will be replaced with modern LCD flat=panel screens. It remains to be seen if or when this will be followed with high-def signal on the TVs, or working lanes. :)

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Look At Some Cute Things While Reading About Bowling

Posted by ScooterJ On November - 9 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

Scoot tried several times last night to get this write-up going, and even had various sets of images already loaded up to go with a theme for either way the election went. But he just couldn't bring himself to do it, and decided that what this nation needs now more than anything else is a bowling recap to help us heal.

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No Change

Posted by ScooterJ On November - 1 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

You'd think that with new bowlers continuing to be introduced 11 weeks into the season, that we'd see some changes in the standings. But nope, not this week, every team stayed exactly where they were!

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Posted by ScooterJ On October - 25 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

You'd think we wouldn't be welcoming a new bowler into the league in Week 10, but hey, this is the Fall 2016 season so anything goes. And, in typical Fall 2016 season, the team he was going to bowl on didn't show up. But that's okay, he got to kick ass for another team instead.

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Pops Tops Pins

Posted by ScooterJ On October - 18 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

We begin the second half with no movement in the standings, at least not so far. However the matchup between the top two teams can't be reported until the alphabet team post-bowls on Monday.

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Halfway Done!

Posted by ScooterJ On October - 11 - 2016ADD COMMENTS

It's on. Despite all the sickness and injuries and disappearing team members, our league came back to form in a big way this week. This week was our league's strongest showing since April 19 and the second-strongest performance we've seen so far in 2016. We had more 200+ game tonight (14) than we've seen in any week so far this season. The season is now halfway over, and while last season's champions remain in the lead, a challenger is finally emerging who is chipping away at their lead.

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For those who like to hang out in the bar between turns, which of these would you prefer as a way of known when it's your turn?

  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

    (100%, 2 Votes)
  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

    (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 2

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