Cover Story

Big Ball Chantal

Posted by ScooterJ On March - 12 - 2019ADD COMMENTS

Many times throughout our history bowlers have bought a new ball and seen immediate improvement in their game. But never before have we seen this happen as dramatically as it did last night with Chantal's new ball.

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The Lava Lamp

Posted by ScooterJ On March - 5 - 2019ADD COMMENTS

Like the globs in a lava lamp, teams have been taking turns rising to the top only to then quickly sink back down. This week was no exception, as CICK Ass returned to the top with We Don't Give a Split bubbling up just behind, while Pin Is King and #MGAGA have cooled and sunk, perhaps to be heated back up again.

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Week 6 RoboRecap

Posted by BowlingBot On February - 26 - 2019ADD COMMENTS


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Better Late Than Never!

Posted by BowlingBot On February - 19 - 2019ADD COMMENTS

This week a record three teams post-bowled due to illness and weather. But not, finally, all the scores are in. The fifth week of Spring 2019 saw four teams climb in the standings, while four teams slipped. One bowler set a new personal best series, and one rolled new personal high game. Monica Hufford picked up this week's high game (188) and series (523) for the women, while Ian Goetz earned this week's high game (243) and series (593) for the men. Read on for all the rest of the details!

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Teetering on the Brink of a 1st Place Swap

Posted by ScooterJ On February - 12 - 20191 COMMENT

The fourth week of Spring 2019 saw four teams climb in the standings, while five teams slipped. One bowler set a new personal best series, and three rolled new personal high games. Freda Schroeder landed this week's high game for the women with a 151, and women's high series was bagged by Monica Hufford with a 404. As for the men, Nick Kinney snagged this week's high game with a 234, and high series was earned by Ian Goetz with a 615. Meanwhile, the Tournament of Champions also kicked off tonight, beginning 13 weeks of one-on-one bowling excitement! Read on for all the rest of the details!

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State Of The Alley

Posted by ScooterJ On February - 5 - 2019ADD COMMENTS

Thank you very much Monica, AJ, members of the league, and Freda, the First Lady of the league. And my fellow bowlers. We meet tonight at a moment of unlimited potential, as we prepare to begin a new Tournament of Champions, I stand here ready to roll with you and pick up difficult splits. Dozens of our fellow citizens are watching us, gathered in this bowling alley, hoping we will roll not as eleven teams, but as one league.

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The Bowler Vortex

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 29 - 2019ADD COMMENTS

As the nation prepared to plunge into the harsh abyss of arctic doom, the second week of Spring 2019 saw five teams climb in the standings, while five teams slipped and one remained frozen in place. Two bowlers roll a new personal best game. Alison Radke landed this week's high game for the women with a 196, and women's high series was bagged by Monica Hufford with a 461. As for the men, Russell Bingham snagged this week's high game with a 236, and high series was earned by Seth Gunderson with a 620. Read on for all the rest of the details!

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These Go To Eleven

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 23 - 2019ADD COMMENTS

The Spring 2019 kicked off on an icy night (in which we were the only league brave enough to show up) with a record-breaking eleven teams entering the 16-week competition for the coveted, nonexistent championship trophy. Three bowlers didn't get the memo that you aren't supposed to do this the first week and set a new personal best series, and four rolled new personal high games. Monica Hufford picked up this week's high game (176) and series (468) for the women. As for the men, Jeremy Cline snagged this week's high game with a 228, and high series was earned by Conor Clarke with a 591. Read on for all the rest of the details!

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Our [Still] Biggest Season Ever Starts January 22

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 9 - 2019ADD COMMENTS

Welcome to the Spring 2019 bowling season, our 39th season and [still] the largest we have ever had!

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Fall 2018 Recap

Posted by ScooterJ On December - 13 - 2018ADD COMMENTS

38 seasons of bowling are now behind us. And while this was not one of our better seasons scoring-wise by far, wasn't it a lot of fun with all the topsy-turvy standings?

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Posted by ScooterJ On December - 4 - 2018ADD COMMENTS

The Fall 2018 season draws to a close, with 8 Balls officially earning this season's championship title! But we aren't quite finished yet -- next week we will meet at our usual time to name all the award winners and hand out prize money (in the meeting room on the Finnegan's side, through the back of the snack bar), followed by 9-pin no-tap fun night. The final week saw three teams climb in the standings, while three teams slipped. One bowler set a new personal best series, and one rolled new personal high game. Freda Schroeder picked up this week's high game (191) and series (451) for the women. As for the men, Michael Gordon and Russell Bingham both tied for this week's high game with a 224, and high series was earned by Russell Bingham with a 605.

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Could Next Week Include a Three-Way?

Posted by ScooterJ On November - 27 - 2018ADD COMMENTS

Well, this is it, we’ve nearly reached the end of the season and the championship round is next week. While much attention has been focused on the struggles this season of defending champions Serious Bowlers and the fact that they are now eliminated from trophy contention, there’s another part of this story that deserves even more attention. And that is the quiet but rapid rise of BDE. Once dangling limp down in 7th place, BDE has firmed up into virile force that has penetrated into championship contention and could explode into a messy situation for all of us next week if a couple of other teams don’t use adequate protection. More on next week’s potential sticky situation in a moment, let’s first run through how everyone did last night…

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Week 14 Semi Robo Recap

Posted by BowlingBot On November - 27 - 2018ADD COMMENTS

Week 14 RoboHeaderNOTE: Scoot was out of town when post-bowling scores came in and just got back late last night, so this will remain a robo-writeup except for a few special items highlighted below.

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Almost A Clean Sweep

Posted by ScooterJ On November - 13 - 2018ADD COMMENTS

This topsy-turvy season continues to get screwier and screwier, as four sweeps and a near sweep continued to stir up the standings. Once in 7th place, BDE this week pulled ahead of the two-time defending champions and found themselves tied for third place. Meanwhile rookie team Teeby Dee, who spent most of the season lingering near the bottom of the standings, suddenly finds a winning record within quick reach and is still mathematically a contender for the trophy. These two teams face each other next week, so this will be the game to watch as the outcome could be BDE moving cleanly into third place or TBD attaining a positive win record.

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The Voter Rolls

Posted by ScooterJ On November - 6 - 2018ADD COMMENTS

Last night, based on exit polling plus early returns, Bowling News Network (BNN) called first place for Serious Bowlers. Boy, are we red-faced about that one. We haven't missed a call that badly since we projected Hiillary Clinton the Tournament of Champions winner in Fall 2016!

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Week 11 Final RoboHeadline

Posted by BowlingBot On October - 30 - 2018ADD COMMENTS

Week 11 RoboHeader(Note: Until Gucci Lane post-bowls later this week, this will mostly remain a robo-writeup.) But we can say this much: While the results aren't official until post-bowling scores are in, we can confirm that the defending back-to-back champions Serious(ly not in first) Bowlers, anchored by Aaron Barber, have tightened their grasp on third place after a dramatic week of bowling. Meanwhile Monica Hufford picked up this week's high game (162) and series (427) for the women, while Michael Gordon earned this week's high game (242) and series (595) for the men. Read on for all the rest of the details!

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Shifting Positions

Posted by Ken On October - 24 - 2018ADD COMMENTS

The Fall 2018 position round is now history, and we now have a new league leader that has pulled ahead of the pack. The tenth week saw two teams climb in the standings, while one team slipped. Two bowlers set a new personal best series. Freda Schroeder landed this week's high game for the women with a 190, and women's high series was bagged by Monica Hufford with a 480. As for the men, Dennis Walling earned this week's high game (224) and series (598). Read on for all the rest of the details!

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Balance Restored… (sorta)

Posted by ScooterJ On October - 16 - 2018ADD COMMENTS

Every team has now bowled every other team, and it took every one of those 9 weeks of sessions for one of the teams that everyone thought should have been in first place to finally get there, albeit as part of a tie (just like they last time they were in this position in week 1). It should also be noted that the team that got there this week is not the so-called defending champions. ;)

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Hitting A Wall

Posted by ScooterJ On October - 9 - 2018ADD COMMENTS

We are now halfway through the Fall 2018 season, and the league seems to have hit a brick wall. Other than a tit-for-tat between BDE and We Don't Give A Split, no teams were able to budge in the standings with just a week to go before Position Round. Alison Radke landed this week's high game for the women with a 183, and women's high series was bagged by Monica Hufford with a 475. As for the men, Carl Goetz earned this week's high game (236) and series (603). Read on for all the rest of the details!

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Gettin’ Our Groove On

Posted by ScooterJ On October - 2 - 2018ADD COMMENTS

Week 7 was the grooviest anyone in our league or at the bowling counter had ever seen. In addition to being so freakin' groovy, this week saw two teams climb in the standings, while one team slipped. Monica Hufford picked up this week's high game (188) and series (496) for the women. As for the men, Nick Kinney snagged this week's high game with a 225, and high series was earned by Aaron Barber with a 607. Read on for all the rest of the details!

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