GutterAlley    BINGO
Fall 2024, Week
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THIS WEEK:    Tiles:    Bingos:    Points:    Rank: 
SEASON TOTAL:    Tiles:    Bingos:    Points:    Rank: 

Get a spare in the same frame in every game.

(7 people)

Roll at least 3 first-ball gutterballs throughout the series.

(5 people)

Your team gets more than 50 pins of handicap

(10 people)

Throughout your series at least 4 frames rolled on your even-numbered lane have a spare.

(10 people)

First ball of any frame is a gutterball.

(7 people)

OPEN SEASON!  Between 7:00pm and 7:15pm your matchup accumulates the most open frames among the two teams.

(18 people)

Get more than 6 marks in any game.

(10 people)

Take long enough to bowl that the scoreboard shakes your row

(2 people)

The final score of any of your three games ends with the number 1

(5 people)



Roll your highest game so far this season

(10 people)

Your team completes the first frame of game 3 within 5 minutes of the end of the previous game.

(No one)



Any player on your team has a point spread greater than 60 pins between their best and worst game this evening

(4 people)

Roll a gutterball as the next roll after a spare in any game

(3 people)

Every 10th strike rolled across the league tonight is a winner! (Strike #10, strike #20, etc.)

(9 people)

Roll a strike in frame 4 of any game

(13 people)

The opposing team has at least one blind for the duration of each game.

(14 people)

Anyone in your match (who isn't a blind) has the same score for 2 games.

(9 people)

Bowl quickly enough all night that you never earn a scoreboard clock.

(5 people)

Get 2 strikes in a row in the same game

(12 people)

Your team sweeps

(9 people)

You break 100 bowling in-person before your direct opponent (per scoreboard order) in game 3

(11 people)

Win round 1 in the Tournament of Champions

(11 people)

The gap between the lowest and highest score rolled in your match is greater than your average.

(7 people)


    Fall 2024 Week 4

    Bowler Tiles
    Bingos Bonus Points
    JoAnne Barber 14 2 6 20
    Chris Lenz 16 0 2 18
    Ben Spencer 14 0 0 14
    Brian Schaben 12 0 0 12
    Dennis Walling 12 0 0 12
    JC Cox 12 0 0 12
    Ryan Sisco 12 0 0 12
    AJ Hofmann 11 0 0 11
    Chris Windham 11 0 0 11
    Jeremy Varnell 11 0 0 11
    Kent Harms 11 0 0 11
    Matthew Taylor 11 0 0 11
    Scott Murdock 11 0 0 11
    Aaron Barber 10 0 0 10
    Chris Hagan 10 0 0 10
    Jim Koger 10 0 0 10
    Nathan Burrows 10 0 0 10
    Carl Mueller 9 0 0 9
    Doug Lenz 7 0 0 7
    Seth Gunderson 6 0 1 7
    Nicholas Knight 5 0 0 5
    Scott Thompson 5 0 0 5
    Clayton Burrow 4 0 0 4
    Dustin Schmeltz 4 0 0 4
    Buck Nasty 3 0 0 3
    Nick Kinney 2 0 0 2

    Fall 2024 TOTAL

    Bowler Tiles
    Bingos Bonus Points
    Ben Spencer 54 1 5 59
    Seth Gunderson 48 3 10 58
    Aaron Barber 49 0 2 51
    Chris Windham 46 1 5 51
    JC Cox 48 1 3 51
    Dennis Walling 46 1 4 50
    JoAnne Barber 40 2 6 46
    Kent Harms 46 0 0 46
    Chris Lenz 42 0 3 45
    Ryan Sisco 45 0 0 45
    Buck Nasty 37 2 7 44
    Jeremy Varnell 40 0 0 40
    Matthew Taylor 40 0 0 40
    Nathan Burrows 40 0 0 40
    Brian Schaben 38 0 0 38
    Scott Murdock 37 0 1 38
    Carl Mueller 37 0 0 37
    Jim Koger 37 0 0 37
    Chris Hagan 35 0 1 36
    Scott Thompson 36 0 0 36
    Nicholas Knight 34 0 1 35
    Nick Kinney 35 0 0 35
    Clayton Burrow 30 1 3 33
    Dustin Schmeltz 30 0 0 30
    AJ Hofmann 27 0 1 28
    Doug Lenz 18 0 0 18