Here's how the All-Star Weekend works:Eligibility: Are you Even or Odd?Upon the conclusion of the position round the league standings will be used to determine which team each bowler is eligible to be a part of in the All-Star Weekend. Members of the teams finishing the first half of the season in 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th are eligible to represent the Odd Ballers. Members of the teams finishing in 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th are eligible to represent the Even Stevens. So, for example, checking the outcome of Week #8 in the Fall 2014 season we see that the standings sat like this:
Teams with bowlers eligible for inclusion on the Odd Ballers All-Star Team: My Three Sons (1st), The Finger Holes (3rd), Dixie Stampede (5th), Pin and Tonics (7th).Teams with bowlers eligible for inclusion on the Even Stevens All-Star Team: 921+ (2nd), More Beer, Chelsea (4th), Split It & Hit It (6th), Ballz Out (8th).
Team Captains: The Top Dog from the Odds and the EvensThe bowler with the highest average in each division will be the team captain and will choose four other bowlers to complete his or her 5-person team along with one alternate in the event that someone cannot make it the day of the competition.
Team captain of The Odd Ballers would have been Ryan Doll (201 average, highest of anyone on any of the eligible teams).Team captain of The Even Stevens would have been Brian Coe (207 average, highest of anyone on any of the eligible teams).Once the teams are formed, the group would determine what day and time works best for them to go roll the four games.
Actual GameplayThe games are played out like this:Game 1 - SinglesOne bowler from each team is selected to roll head-to-head with one point being awarded to the winning bowler's team.Game 2 - DoublesTwo bowlers from each team roll one game together while alternating shots (not frames). The team with the highest score gets one point.Game 3 - TriosThree bowlers (A, B & C) from each team roll one game together. Bowler A will complete frames 1, 4, 7, and 10. Bowler B will cover 2, 5, and 8. Bowler C will roll frames 3, 6, and 9. Winning team will receive one point.Game 4 - Team EventAll five bowlers on each team roll one game together. Bowler A will roll frames 1 and 6; Bowler B covers 2 and 7; C handles 3 and 8; D takes care of frames 4 and 9; and Bowler E cleans up in the 5th and 10th frames. The winning team receives three points.In the event of a tie score at the end of any game, the points awarded will be split. In the event of a points tie after Game #4 between the two teams, a 10th frame sudden death will be rolled to settle it. The team captains will choose who, from their respective team, will compete in the sudden death showdown.Back to the All-Star Weekend...