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Remembering Michael Basham

Posted by ScooterJ May 21, 2024

Gutter Alley is saddened to learn of the passing of a league member from our earlier years, after a short battle with cancer. According to a Facebook post from his sister, Michael Basham passed away in his sleep on the morning of Sunday, May 19.

Three of the four members of Nellielocks and the Three Spares, April 12, 2005

Michael rolled with us for six seasons, from Fall 2003 through Spring 2006, with an overall average of 153 and a high game of 225. Current and former members who were around for that time period likely remember him as a very kind and friendly teammate and/or opponent. For the past several years and up until his diagnosis & hospitalization, Michael had been living in Colorado and had a passion for visiting National Parks and sharing his photography and and experiences from his visits.

Services will be held in Sedalia, Missouri:

  • Thursday, May 30th at McLaughlin Funeral Home, 519 S Ohio Ave, Sedalia, MO:
    • 6:30pm, Rosary
    • 7:00pm: Visitation
  • Friday, May 31st 10:00 am: Funeral mass at St Patrick’s Catholic Church, 415 E 4th St, Sedalia, MO

On May 4, 2024, Michael posted a farewell message on Facebook. It was such a beautiful message that I felt it more appropriate to share it here rather than attempt to write anything that would not be nearly as meaningful:

Hello everyone. This will be my last post. I was recently diagnosed with peritoneal cancer - cancer of the stomach lining - this family of cancers normally has an origin which gives the treatment path as there are some in this family- i.e ovarian, uterine, stomach, gall bladder, mesothelioma with treatment paths. I unfortunately do not have that and mine is incurable at the moment. I have been in a hospital/outpatient setting for the last few months in Colorado and now at KU Med Cancer Center to be close to family and friends. If you’d like to see me I am in Cambridge Tower A Room 11103 at the main hospital near 39th St and State Line. No worries and no pressure. But if you feel the need or itch to, that is where I am. Technically I thought I dead 3 days ago so there are all just bonus moments of presents. If there is one thing I can reach to each of you is the key to life. Love, Kindness and Exploration.

Love - love makes the world go round we all know that. Why isn’t it now? Because most of us are hurt. We have some baggage we cling to of a past that “should have been”. but never was, not realizing that is what made you who you are. So any resentment or anger for the past is just the anger for who you are today. The beauty of this one is only you hold the answer and the key to the lock. Let go of the past, which cannot be changed and just allow yourself to love yourself enough to forgive yourself. So just as importantly, you can forgive everyone else for their part as they were just trying to do their best with broken pieces as well. This healing of your heart will allow you to then have true unconditional love and never runs out. If you have alot of love to give but it seems to run out, your heart is in the right space but there are unresolved conditions of the past. Some examples of those with a good heart are the ones who give of themselves too much. Your unresoved guilt is lack of boundaries for your self-respect.

Kindness - Part 2 is Kindness. Once you have love to give, then give it. Freely. Kindness expects nothing in return vs being nice which always has expectations. Give Kindness. Freely cause you love yourself and all your flaws and have no encumbrances because you’ve forgiven yourself and any/everyone else.

Exploration - Part 3 is Exploration. Once you have kindness in your heart, explore the past, explore the future, explore the present, explore new places, spaces, learn and continue to grow as a person. Re-learn everything from a different lense of pure love because it’s all magic. I wasted alot of time when I was young chasing magic monents only, letting all the simple and mundane moments pass me by not realizing. Some of the best bits of life are in the simple and mundane moments. A smile. A laugh. A dew drop. Context is more important here of the who and when and where. So be present for those too.

Give love and kindness freely and you’ll be so surprised how amazing this life really is. Your life is of your condition and you get to choose. Choose wisely. Every moment from now on, you choose the decisions. Everything else is an excuse from the past and have no cross to bear on you gift - the present.

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