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Fall 2024 Recap

Posted by ScooterJ December 31, 2024 Fall 2024

Here is your Fall 2024 Recap, where you can find out who won all the individual awards plus lots more! Our next season will begin on January 28 2025!

If you missed the presentation, you can also see it as a PowerPoint or as a PDF.

This season it was Squid Row who once again took first place, with a (41-23) record. Overall the team finished as the 54th strongest team in league history, which may not sound that impressive but that's out of 432 teams.


Women's High Series Scratch: JoAnne Barber (409)

Women's High Game Scratch: N/A due to insufficient females)

Women's High Series Handicap: N/A due to insufficient females)

Women's High Game Handicap: N/A due to insufficient females

Men's High Series Scratch: Matthew Taylor (688)

Men's High Game Scratch: Seth Gunderson (247)

Men's High Series Handicap: Nathan Burrows (744)

Men's High Game Handicap: Ryan Sisco (260)

Dennis Walling is #1 Power ranked bowler, Nathan Burrows is runner up.

Squid Row is #1 Power ranked team, Scootytang is runner up.

Head to Head: Dennis Walling would have won 61.259% of all possible one-on-one matchups this season, Nathan Burrows comes in second at 60.535%, Aaron Barber comes in third with 58.548%. Since the winner of prize money for Power Rank is ineligible for the prize money for Head to Head, Nathan (2nd place) got the cash.

The Tournament of Champions was won by Nathan Burrows., with Scott Murdock as runner-up.


Rookie of the Season

(Which first year bowler did the most for his or her team in their initial outing?)

Seth Gunderson Captain of the Season

(Which team captain provided the most leadership, dedication, and inspiration to their team?)

Carl Goetz Defensive Bowler of the Season

Which player with an average of 150 or above proved to be the strongest finisher in crucial tenth frame situations?

  • Runner Up: Aaron Barber
  • Winner: Matthew Taylor

Ian Goetz Underdog of the Season

Bowler with an average under 150 who was the biggest spark for their team.

Bob Brunker / Rob Kaszuba Sportsmanship Award

This award should go to the one male bowler who continually shows the best example of good sportsmanship throughout the entire season.

Emily Podhajsky / Alison Radke Sportsmanship Award

This award should go to the one female bowler who continually shows the best example of good sportsmanship throughout the entire season.

  • Runner Up: Definitely not this lady.
  • Winner: JoAnne Barber

Pat Searcy 'Life of the Party' Award

Named for a man whose exuberant personality made bowling nights more fun for all those around him. Given to the person who livens up Tuesday nights and brings a smile to all our faces.

Sub of the Season

The sub who did the most for the team or teams they helped

Most Valuable Bowler – People's Choice

Who did everyone think did the most for their team?

  • Runner Up: Dennis Walling
  • Winner: Matthew Taylor

Favorite Team to Roll Against

  • Runner Up: Bowls Deep
  • Winner: Sun Dolphins

Most Feared Team to Roll Against

  • Runner Up: Squid Row
  • Winner: Scootytang


  1. Squid Row: Dennis Walling
  2. Sun Dolphins: Scott Thompson
  3. Scooter's Succulent Sausages™: Scott Murdock
  4. Scootytang: Aaron Barber
  5. Bowls Deep:Brian Shaben / Chris Hagan (tie)
  6. Stealing Pins in the Burrows: Nathan Burrows

ACTUAL SEASON MVB: Nathan Burrows, single-handedly responsible for 13 of his team's wins. — Runner-Up: Aaron Barber


  • Kent Harms remains the best bowler who has not won a championship.
  • Aaron Barber rolled his league 250th 200+ game on October 22, with his 203 in game 3 against the Sun Dolphins. He now stands at 254 200+ games. And Matthew Taylor rolled his 200th league 200+ game that very same day, with his 225 in game 2 against Bowls Deep.
  • This was missed last season, but Matthew Taylor actually earned his 50th league 600+ series on the final night of bowling last Spring. He now stands at a count of 56.
  • Seth Gunderson came just 75 pins shy of crossing the 250,000 career pins mark and would have crossed it easily last Tuesday had he not had to miss game 1 for a grade school Christmas pageant. At least that's something he can look forward to accomplishing in his first game next season as long as he doesn't sandbag too much.

New Personal Best Games

Bowler New
Brian Schaben 170 156 Spring 2023,  wk 4
Carl Mueller 181 172 Fall 2023,  wk 10
Nathan Burrows 233 213 Spring 2024,  wk 3
Nicholas Knight 220 210 Spring 2023,  wk 5

New Personal Best Series

Bowler New
Brian Schaben 427 403 Spring 2023,  wk 4
Buck Nasty 476 447 Spring 2024,  wk 2
Chris Windham 556 526 Fall 2021,  wk 13
Nathan Burrows 543 490 Spring 2024,  wk 4
Nicholas Knight 537 508 Spring 2023,  wk 5

New Personal Best Average

Bowler New
Brian Schaben 112 110 Spring 2024
Carl Mueller 115 114 Spring 2024
Chris Windham 148 147 Fall 2021
Scott Thompson 150 149 Fall 2023

FALL 2024

Nathan Burrows

FALL 2024

Dennis Walling

FALL 2024

Dennis Walling


"Where are the other holes in this bowling ball? And more importantly where is the dolphin's penis?"

Aaron Barber, noticing something concerning about the recap sheet's illustration for Scott Thompson's birthday.

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For those who like to hang out in the bar between turns, which of these would you prefer as a way of known when it's your turn?

  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

    (100%, 2 Votes)
  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

    (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

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