Archive for December, 2022

Fall 2022 Recap

Posted by ScooterJ On December - 30 - 2022ADD COMMENTS

Here is your Fall 2022 Recap, where you can find out who won all the individual awards plus lots more! Our next season will begin on January 24, 2023!

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All That’s Left Is the Prizes…

Posted by ScooterJ On December - 6 - 2022ADD COMMENTS

The Fall 2022 season draws to a close, with Baby Beardo officially earning this season's championship title! But we aren't quite finished yet -- next week we will meet at our usual time to name all the award winners and hand out prize money as we feast on fried chicken, followed by 9-pin-tap fun night. The final week saw the 4th & 5th place teams swap places. JoAnne Barber picked up this week's high game (127) and series (353) for the women. As for the men, Scott Murdock (?!) snagged this week's high game with a 233, and high series was earned by Dennis Walling with a 616. Read on for all the rest of the details!

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Ken, Kiernan and Carl cursin'!