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Spring 2018 Recap

Posted by ScooterJ July 11, 2018 Spring 2018

37 seasons of bowling are now complete, and after a bit of a drop off last Fall we bounced right back this Spring up to great games and great series.

  • Our combined league average ended up at 160.9295, making this the 4th best among all seasons. We also accumulated 206 200+ games this season, the 5th highest count ever.
  • Rookie Monica Hufford ended her debut season as the5th best female bowler in league history.
  • In game 1 of week 14, Bob Brunker’s 204 was his 100th 200+ game. (He has since chalked up one more.)
  • Game 1 of week 7 was Dennis Laube’s 1,500th recorded game of bowling in our league, the first to reach this milestone.
  • In week 11, Aubrey Moren’s 672 series was his 50th career 600+ series. He is the 5th bowler to reach this milestone.
  • Always having to one-up Aubrey, in week 13 the 699 series rolled by Kody Karnes was his 100th career 600+ series. He is the 3rd person to reach this number.
  • Did we mention that Dennis Walling rolled a 300?!?
  • Nick Kinney improved the most this season, ending the season 27 pins over his base average. This is the 8th-biggest single-season improvement in league history. Brian Orrick also improved 22 points, also getting him a spot in the top 25.
  • On November 21, Dennis Laube became the first bowler with 1200 wins under his belt. (He now sits at 1,206.) And on October 17, Scott Murdock became the 6th person to reach 1,000 wins.
  • NotContra’s 900 in week 13, game 2 was the 6th best team game among 4-person teams in league history.
  • NotContra beating Holy Sandbaggers, Batman by 1 pin in the first game of the championship was the 7th highest-scoring game decided by a single pin in league history. (And also the costliest.).
  • Though it didn’t count for prize money due to a technicality in the rules, Doug Bonney’s 772 series handicap in week 13 was the 5th best Men’s HSH in league history. Nobody else made the list in any related category this season.

For more trivia or to see Scoot's (alleged) transgressions, please see the Spring 2018 Awards Presentation Deck!


Women's High Series Scratch: Angela Bradford (592)

Women's High Game Scratch: Monica Hufford (208)

Women's High Series Handicap: Freda Schroeder (654)

Women's High Game Handicap: JoAnne Gordon (262)

Men's High Series Scratch: Kody Karnes (743)

Men's High Game Scratch: Dennis Walling (300)

Men's High Series Handicap: Matthew Taylor (721)

Men's High Game Handicap: Michael Mead (286)

Aaron Barber is #1 Power ranked bowler, Sean Simmons is runner up.

HoF Sandwich is #1 Power ranked team, WITNESS!!! is runner up.

Head to Head: Kody Karnes would have won 66.274% of all possible one-on-one matchups this season, Michael Mead comes in second with 59.514%


Rookie of the Season

(Which first year bowler did the most for his or her team in their initial outing?)

Seth Gunderson Captain of the Season

(Which team captain provided the most leadership, dedication, and inspiration to their team?)

Carl Goetz Defensive Bowler of the Season

Which player with an average of 150 or above proved to be the strongest finisher in crucial tenth frame situations?

  • Runner Up: Dennis Walling
  • Winner: Aaron Barber

Underdog of the Season

Bowler with an average under 150 who was the biggest spark for their team.

  • Runner Up: Josh Rothermel
  • Winner: James Tott

Bob Brunker/Rob Kaszuba Sportsmanship Award

This award should go to the one male bowler who continually shows the best example of good sportsmanship throughout the entire season.

Emily Podhajsky Sportsmanship Award

This award should go to the one female bowler who continually shows the best example of good sportsmanship throughout the entire season.

Pat Searcy 'Life of the Party' Award

Named for a man whose exuberant personality made bowling nights more fun for all those around him. Given to the person who livens up Tuesday nights and brings a smile to all our faces.

Sub of the Season

The sub who did the most for the team or teams they helped

Favorite Team to Roll Against

  • Runner Up: HOF Sandwich / Three Strikes / Be Humbowl
  • Winner: WITNESS!!!

Most Feared Team to Roll Against

  • Runner Up: HOF Sandwich
  • Winner: WITNESS!!!

Most Valuable Bowler – People’s Choice

Who did everyone think did the most for their team?

  • Runner Up: Dennis Walling
  • Winner: Aaron Barber

Actual MVB, Runner Up:

  • Brian Byfield, personally responsible for 8 of his team's wins

Actual MVB, For Real:

  • Aaron Barber, personally responsible for 13 of his team’s wins.

The David Winger "Gone But Not Forgotten" Award was given to Teresa Deterding. Teresa rolled with us for seven seasons, from Fall 2010 through Fall 2014. (She skipped over the year 2013.) During that time she earned 6 MVBs, rolled a high game of 200, and a high series of 517. She won “Underdog of the Season” twice and was runner-up once, was a three-time runner-up for the Emily Podhajsky Good Sportsmanship Award, and was a runner-up for the Actual Season MVB three times.

We did not induct anyone into the Hall of Fame this season, however it is very likely that we will in December. However, we did bestow a P&P Pillar Awardto Demond Robinson, one of the greatest bowlers of the early years in our league. Even though he has not been seen in our league since the Fall 2005 session, Demond "Big D" Robinson dominated many of our Top 25 lists all the way up through 2014. While his legacy has begun fading in recent years, as of this writing he still holds onto 2nd place among best second-half win records, 8th place among bowlers to reach 100 wins in the fewest number of games, 14th among best bowlers by win percentage, and 21st for holding the weekly high game scratch.

Recruiting is now underway for the Fall 2018 season, which begins on August 21. Please let Scoot know if you or anyone you know would like to join!

New Personal Best Games

Bowler New
Brian Byfield 226 187 Fall 2017,  wk 9
Conrad Bonney 213 194 Fall 2017,  wk 15
Dennis Walling 300 245 Fall 2017,  wk 2
JoAnne Gordon 191 157 Fall 2017,  wk 13
Josh Rothermel 185 162 Fall 2017,  wk 14
Matthew Taylor 266 247 Fall 2017,  wk 10
Pat Hamell 202 176 Spring 2017,  wk 10
Steven Anthony 233 199 Fall 2017,  wk 4

New Personal Best Series

Bowler New
Ben Spencer 531 495 Fall 2017,  wk 5
Brian Byfield 535 457 Fall 2017,  wk 12
Conrad Bonney 528 457 Fall 2017,  wk 12
Dennis Walling 688 603 Fall 2017,  wk 2
Jeremy Varnell 489 452 Spring 2017,  wk 13
JoAnne Gordon 426 405 Fall 2017,  wk 13
Josh Rothermel 502 453 Fall 2017,  wk 14
Matthew Taylor 707 671 Fall 2017,  wk 11
Nick Kinney 676 630 Fall 2017,  wk 13
Phil Schroeder 624 622 Spring 2008,  wk 7
Steven Anthony 588 515 Fall 2017,  wk 4

New Personal Best Average

Bowler New
Scott Murdock 168 162 Fall 2017
Bob Brunker 184 183 Spring 2017
Aaron Barber 200 197 Spring 2016
Russell Bingham 186 184 Fall 2015
Ben Spencer 152 145 Spring 2017
James Tott 141 123 Fall 2017
JoAnne Gordon 118 117 Fall 2017
Jeremy Varnell 139 135 Spring 2017
Dennis Walling 192 180 Fall 2017
Josh Rothermel 138 129 Fall 2017
Matthew Taylor 194 188 Fall 2017
Nick Kinney 175 171 Fall 2017
Brian Orrick 143 134 Fall 2017
Brian Byfield 150 133 Fall 2017
Conrad Bonney 146 135 Fall 2017


Aaron Barber


"Have you tried tying a plastic bag over his head?"

Sean Simmons, giving advice to JoAnne on how to reduce Aaron's snoring.

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For those who like to hang out in the bar between turns, which of these would you prefer as a way of known when it's your turn?

  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

    (100%, 2 Votes)
  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

    (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

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