Archive for January, 2018

“We’re poopin’ pins!”

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 30 - 20181 COMMENT

A night of super blue blood moons and randomly-dropping pins saw three teams climb in the standings, while four teams slipped. In addition, one bowler set a new personal best series. Monica Hufford picked up this week's high game (172) and series (509) for the women, while Aaron Barber earned this week's high game (257) and series (691) for the men. Read on for all the details!

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2018 Is Underway

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 23 - 2018ADD COMMENTS

Spring 2018 began tonight with a welcome to a few new bowlers, a defending champion team that is going to have to fend off multiple challengers, and several bowlers who forgot they were supposed to sandbag. Consequently, two bowlers set a new personal best series, and three rolled new personal high games. Angela Bradford picked up this week's high game (185) and series (481) for the women, while Matthew Taylor earned this week's high game (254) and series (641) for the men. Read on for all the rest of the details!

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Posted by ScooterJ On January - 18 - 2018ADD COMMENTS

In a row???

Welcome to the Spring 2018 bowling season, our 37th season!

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