Archive for January, 2017

So Shines a Good Deed in a Weary World

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 31 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

With so much darkness and suffering in our country and the world the last 11 days, it is nothing short of miraculous when a tiny ray of light cuts through the darkness and brings hope to a world in sorrow. So, Omaha Hambone, we thank you.

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Spring 2017 Kickoff!

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 24 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

Our 35th season kicked off with what could very well turn out to be the most fun, least competitive season we have had in years. A dozen rookies make up more than a third of the league, so anything goes!

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Inaugurating the Spring Season

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 21 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

Welcome to the Spring 2017 bowling season, our 35th session! In addition to the return of multiple females and a double-digit number of rookies, this season marks the apparent end of VML's dominance of the league. VML now provides the same number of members as Decision Insight, and neither of them provide as many bowlers as Aaron Barber, Michael Gordon, and AJ Hofmann do!

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Spring 2017 Update

Posted by ScooterJ On January - 16 - 2017ADD COMMENTS

Just a quick update on the status of the Spring 2017 season:

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