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Why Did Pocahontas Leave Her Hairpiece By The Campfire?

Posted by ScooterJ May 18, 2016 Spring 2016, Week 16 View Score Sheets

Tonight, on our last real night of bowling, we were joined by several new people that had never rolled in our league all season. It was the strangest thing, though... none of them were ever seen at the same time as Amber, Michelle S., Angela, Bob, Kody, or John Boren. Very! weird!Anyway, with the championship already decided last week, we're just going to fly with the mostly computer-generated version of the lane-by-lane portion of the recap so we can hurry and get to the part you all really care about -- cash prizes!

But, before we get to that, please remember to VOTE for your end-of-season favorites! This is your chance to give some recognition to your fellow bowlers. But, in addition to that, we have an important poll question about next season! So please, log in and vote!

First, the teams that ended the season with winning records...

On lanes 41 & 42: Fallop Ian took turns kicking the ball return with Bowies In Space. Led by Carl Goetz and his 587 series, Fallop Ian got swept by Bowies In Space. But who cares? They're the champs anyway! Let the Bowies have their little moment. Meanwhile, led by Michael Gordon & Aaron Barber with their combined tied 588 series, Bowies In Space secured a clean sweep. Fallop Ian remains in 1st place, while Bowies In Space remains in 2nd.

Party on, Garth

On lanes 43 & 44: Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! received a visit from 404: Team Name Not Found. Led by a 2/3 on-fire Phil Schroeder and his 597 series, Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! secured a clean sweep over 404: Team Name Not Found. Meanwhile, led by Sean Simmons and his 553 series, 404: Team Name Not Found got swept. Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! remains in 3rd place, while 404: Team Name Not Found remains in 4th.

And now for the teams that ended the season with some not-so-winning records...

On lanes 45 & 46: Glory Bowl met with Bowlgasmic. Led by Matt O'Dell and his 436 series, Glory Bowl managed only 1 win against Bowlgasmic. Meanwhile, led by Kody Karnes and his 649 series, Bowlgasmic secured 3 wins. Glory Bowl drops 2 spots in the standings to 7th place, while Bowlgasmic moves up 1 spot to 5th.

Finally, down on lanes 47 & 48: Split It & Hit It sat down for crumpets and tea with Split Sisters. Led by Dennis Blake and his 590 series, Split It & Hit It secured a clean sweep over Split Sisters. Meanwhile, led by Amber Waddle and her 403 series, Split Sisters got swept. Split It & Hit It climbs 1 spot in the standings to 6th place, while Split Sisters remains in 8th.

Photo taken before the outcome was known,
so they'd both still be happy.

The Tournament of Champions saw the season's top 8 winners face off for the grand prize, and in the end it came down to the last ball of the last frame of the last game to determine if the eventual winner would be Dennis "Pops" Laube or Sean Simmons. Pops pulled it off! This is Dennis's third win (counting one that was figured retroactively from a season long before the tournament was invented), and he becomes the first person to win it twice since it was instituted as an actual event with prizes. Both Pops and Sean win money next week. Congratulations, guys!
SEASON INDIVIDUAL AWARDS: (These people will also all get extra $$$$$ next week!)Women's High Series Scratch: Angela Bradford (529) Women's High Game Scratch: Michelle Shoemaker (209) Women's High Series Handicap: Freda Schroeder (654) Women's High Game Handicap: Amber Waddle (242)Men's High Series Scratch: Aaron Barber (721) Men's High Game Scratch: Dennis Blake (278) Men's High Series Handicap: Michael Mead (741) Men's High Game Handicap: Michael Gordon (271) There is one other person also winning extra money next week, but we'll keep that a surprise!Bowlers bribing their way into The 200 Club this week, for the last time this season, include: Aaron Barber (247), Aubrey Moren (204), Carl Goetz (203,200), Dennis Blake (205), Dennis Laube (201), John Boren (214), Kody Karnes (223,247), Michael Gordon (204), Phil Schroeder (233,204), Sean Simmons (201), and Seth Gunderson (211,218)See you next Tuesday for our final night! We will meet at 6:30 in the conference room right behind our lanes to hand out money, then bowl 9-pin-tap style just for fun!(Oh, and it was because she wanted to keep her wig-wam.)

Dennis Laube
Runner Up:
(See Posting)


Phil Schroeder
Runner Up:
Sean Simmons


Dennis Blake
Runner Up:
Michael Gordon

"Since I know everyone's wondering I'll just go ahead and say it: no, the carpet does not match the drapes."

John "Susannah" Boren, after donning the black pig-tailed wig.

Pos. Team name Record Percent Total Pins Change
1 Fallop Ian 43-21 .672 36,465 n/a
2 Bowies In Space 41-23 .641 34,840 n/a
3 Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! 39-25 .609 32,438 n/a
4 404: Team Name Not Found 33-31 .516 28,509 n/a
5 Bowlgasmic 29-35 .453 32,042 +1
6 Split It & Hit It 28-36 .438 29,258 +1
7 Glory Bowl 28-36 .438 28,465 -2
8 Split Sisters 15-49 .234 21,657 n/a
Top Individual Achievements for Week 16
Men's High Series Scratch Women's High Series Scratch
Kody Karnes - 649
Phil Schroeder - 597
Dennis Blake - 590
Michael Gordon - 588
Aaron Barber - 588 (t)
Carl Goetz - 587
Aubrey Moren - 587 (t)
Angela Bradford - 457
Freda Schroeder - 427
Michelle Tollefson - 416
Amber Waddle - 403
Michelle Shoemaker - 345
Men's High Series Handicap Women's High Series Handicap
Phil Schroeder - 659
Kody Karnes - 649
Sean Simmons - 641
Dennis Laube - 640
Michael Gordon - 636
Michelle Tollefson - 612
Amber Waddle - 592
Leslie Patton - 562
Angela Bradford - 557
Freda Schroeder - 542
Men's High Game Scratch Women's High Game Scratch
Aaron Barber - 247
Kody Karnes - 247 (t)
Phil Schroeder - 233
Seth Gunderson - 218
John Boren - 214
Dennis Blake - 205
Angela Bradford - 181
Freda Schroeder - 152
Michelle Tollefson - 149
Amber Waddle - 148
Michelle Shoemaker - 119
Men's High Game Handicap Women's High Game Handicap
Phil Schroeder - 253
Aaron Barber - 249
Kody Karnes - 247
Dennis Laube - 231
Sean Simmons - 230
Michelle Tollefson - 214
Angela Bradford - 214 (t)
Amber Waddle - 211
Leslie Patton - 204
Freda Schroeder - 190
Men's Pins Over Average Women's Pins Over Average
Phil Schroeder - 59
Aaron Barber - 50
Dennis Laube - 39
Sean Simmons - 38
Kody Karnes - 36
Michelle Tollefson - 31
Leslie Patton - 28
Amber Waddle - 27
Angela Bradford - 23

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For those who like to hang out in the bar between turns, which of these would you prefer as a way of known when it's your turn?

  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

    (100%, 2 Votes)
  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

    (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 2

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