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Theory of Relativity Proven

Posted by ScooterJ February 16, 2016 Spring 2016, Week 3 View Score Sheets

Just days after the announcement that gravity waves were detected, another portion of Einstein's Theory of Relativity was proven tonight when the matchup that involved Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! finished in less time than any other matchup! Granted, they shed half of their mass in order do do it, but it's all part of the famous equation.First up, on lanes 41 & 42: The usual members of Split It & Hit It did battle with a pint-sized Holy Sandbaggers, Batman!. Led by Dennis Blake and his 542 series, Split It & Hit It managed only 1 win against the Sandbaggers. Meanwhile, and out-of-control Phil Schroeder rolled a 599 series to secure 3 wins for Batman. Split It & Hit It drops 1 spot in the standings to 7th place, while Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! remains in 4th.On lanes 43 & 44: A Scoot-less 404: Team Name Not Found met with Greg Middleton infused Split Sisters. Sean Simmons practiced and propelled himself to become this week's #1 Power Ranked Bowler with his 480 series, leading Not Found to 3 wins against Split Sisters. Meanwhile, sub Greg Middleton's 430 series helped earn Split Sisters their first victory of the season with a game 3 win. 404: Team Name Not Found climbs 1 spot in the standings to 6th place, while Split Sisters remains in 8th.On lanes 45 & 46: Fallop Ian attempted to stimulate some follicles after a Bowlgasmic experience. However, though led by John Boren and his 615 series, the Fallop Ian tubes were blocked and released only 1 win against Bowlgasmic. Meanwhile, with Kody Karnes setting the new season high with his 686 series, and an assist by Bob Brunker's #1 Head-to-Head performance, Bowlgasmic pounded out another 3 wins. Fallop Ian remains in 1st place, while Bowlgasmic jumps 2 spots to 3rd.Finally, down on lanes 47 & 48: Bowies In Space found themselves gravitationally pulled into half of a Glory Bowl. Led by Michael Mead and his MVB-earning 590 series, Bowies In Space launched 3 wins against Glory Bowl. Meanwhile, led by Andrew Finger and his 478 series, Glory Bowl only managed to get one off before getting caught in the act. Bowies In Space remains in 2nd place, while Glory Bowl sinks 2 spots to 5th.The Tournament of Champions is now set to begin next week, the devisions are as follows. (Since Chelsie Finger has missed the first part of the season due to a an elbow injury, she has been seeding using her results from the last time she bowled, week 16 of last season.

DIVISION 1Kody Karnes Aaron Barber Carl Goetz John Boren Phil Schroeder Michael Mead Michael Gordon Dennis Blake DIVISION 2Russell Bingham Bob Brunker Jonathan Vigliaturo Aubrey Moren Andrew Finger Seth Gunderson Scott Murdock Angela Bradford DIVISION 3Dennis Laube Dustin Schmeltz Sean Miller Freda Schroeder Tim Deddens Chelsie Finger Sean Simmons Michelle Tollefson DIVISION 4Michael Smith Michelle Shoemaker Zach Cross AJ Hofmann Amber Waddle Angie Betts Mark DeVoe Leslie Patton


Bowlers who could afford the cover charge at The 200 Club this week include: Aaron Barber (227), Bob Brunker (213), Dennis Blake (209), John Boren (203,216), Jonathan Vigliaturo (200), Kody Karnes (246,257), Michael Gordon (203), Michael Mead (212), and Phil Schroeder (203,213)See you next Tuesday!


Michael Mead
Runner Up:
(See Posting)


Sean Simmons
Runner Up:
Bob Brunker


Bob Brunker
Runner Up:
Sean Simmons

"Barring illness, injury, or other unforeseen catastrophe, Scott Murdock will become first first bowler to roll 500 consecutive games without a single absence in the second game of week 4."

Scott Murdock, in a post earlier this season, forgetting how magic works and inadvertently casting a curse upon himself.

Pos. Team name Record Percent Total Pins Change
1 Fallop Ian 9-3 .750 6,449 n/a
2 Bowies In Space 9-3 .750 6,359 n/a
3 Bowlgasmic 7-5 .583 5,942 +2
4 Holy Sandbaggers, Batman! 7-5 .583 5,802 n/a
5 Glory Bowl 6-6 .500 4,565 -2
6 404: Team Name Not Found 5-7 .417 4,882 +1
7 Split It & Hit It 4-8 .333 5,272 -1
8 Split Sisters 1-11 .083 3,824 n/a
Top Individual Achievements for Week 3
Men's High Series Scratch Women's High Series Scratch
Kody Karnes - 686
John Boren - 615
Phil Schroeder - 599
Bob Brunker - 591
Michael Mead - 590
Angela Bradford - 441
Michelle Tollefson - 399
Amber Waddle - 355
Angie Betts - 328
Leslie Patton - 227
Men's High Series Handicap Women's High Series Handicap
Sean Simmons - 691
Bob Brunker - 689
Kody Karnes - 686
Phil Schroeder - 663
Michael Mead - 652
Michelle Tollefson - 605
Leslie Patton - 560
Amber Waddle - 554
Angela Bradford - 541
Angie Betts - 517
Men's High Game Scratch Women's High Game Scratch
Kody Karnes - 257
Aaron Barber - 227
John Boren - 216
Phil Schroeder - 213
Bob Brunker - 213 (t)
Michael Mead - 212
Michelle Tollefson - 166
Angela Bradford - 162
Amber Waddle - 128
Angie Betts - 125
Leslie Patton - 94
Men's High Game Handicap Women's High Game Handicap
Kody Karnes - 257
Sean Simmons - 246
Bob Brunker - 245
Phil Schroeder - 234
Michael Mead - 232
Michelle Tollefson - 234
Leslie Patton - 205
Angela Bradford - 195
Amber Waddle - 194
Angie Betts - 188
Men's Pins Over Average Women's Pins Over Average
Sean Simmons - 64
Kody Karnes - 55
Bob Brunker - 54
Phil Schroeder - 40
Michael Mead - 38
Michelle Tollefson - 52
Leslie Patton - 33
Amber Waddle - 11
Angie Betts - 4
Angela Bradford - 4 (t)

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  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

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  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

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  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

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