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And the winner is…

Posted by Ken December 21, 2011 Fall 2011

The Fall 2011 came to an official conclusion on Tuesday night, complete with prize disbursement and the announcement of the various season-ending awards.This season proved to be a big one for returning bowlers shooting their all time personal bests (obviously rookies had their highest games, series, and average ever in the league this season so we left them off):Highest game?Aaron Chandler, Alison Radke, Aubrey Moren, Eric Summers, Jake Parrott, Jenn Seefeldt, Phil Schroeder, Ryan Simonet, Sarah Sauer, and Teresa DeterdingHighest series?Aaron Chandler, AJ Hoffmann, Alison Radke, Aubrey Moren, Emily Podhajsky, Eric Summers, Kelly Sands, Ryan Doll, Sarah Sauer, and Teresa DeterdingHighest season-ending average?AJ Hoffmann, Alison Radke, Aubey Moren, Carl Goetz, Eric Summers, Ian Goetz, Jake Parrott, Jason Carpio, and Teresa DeterdingThree bowlers also put up scores that put them into the all-time records in league history:Jenn Seefeldt now has the 5th place all-time Women's High Game Scratch with her 203;Ryan Doll now has the 5th place all-time Men's High Series Scratch with his 707 as well as the 5th place all-time Men's High Series Handicap with his 767;Mike Berlin now has highest all-time Men's High Game Handicap with his 311 (knocking out Ken by 1) as well as the highest all-time Men's Pins Over Average with 122 (knocking out Orion by 4).The biggest individual achievements for the season came out as follows:Women's High Series Scratch: Freda Schroeder - 555Women's High Game Scratch: Jennifer Seefeldt - 203Women's High Series Handicap: Sarah Sauer - 662Women's High Game Handicap: Alison Radke - 243Women's Pins Over Average: Sarah Sauer - +68Women's Most Improved Bowler: Freda Schroeder and Kelly Anderson +6Men's High Series Scratch: Ryan Doll - 707Men's High Game Scratch: Carl Goetz - 269Men's High Series Handicap: Mike Berlin - 723Men's High Game Handicap: Phil Schroeder - 280Men's Pins Over Average: Mike Berlin - +122Men's Most Improved Bowler: Rob Kaszuba, Carl Goetz, Kelly Sands +14The results of the Season Favorites were announced at the Tuesday night meeting, including the addition of the Emily Podhajsky Good Sportsmanship Award along with the renaming of the Defensive Bowler of the Season to include it's biggest winner throughout league history - Carl Goetz:Rookie of the Season - Mike Berlin (Neil Rieger, runner-up)Captain of the Season - Ken M. Wilson (Alison Radke, runner-up)Carl Goetz Defensive Bowler of the Season - Carl Goetz (Ryan Doll, runner-up)Underdog of the Season - Alison Radke (Orion Kinkaid, runner-up)Bob Brunker Good Sportsmanship Award - Rob Kaszuba (Orion Kinkaid, runner-up)Emily Podhajsky Good Sportsmanship Award - Emily Podhajsky (Alison Radke, runner-up)People's Choice: Most Valuable Bowler - Ryan Doll (Carl Goetz / Aubrey Moren, runner-up)Actual individual team MVBs:Das Sauer Popes = Eric SummersGutterballs = Jason CarpioKitten Mittons = Alison Radke / Kelly SandsMysterious Platypus Appendages = Teresa DeterdingNo Pinheads = Aubrey MorenSkirtz & Jerkz = Neil RiegerSTFU Donny = Ken M. WilsonVier Reiter Der Apokalypse = Ryan Doll / Rob KaszubaActual: Most Valuable Bowler - Ryan Doll / Rob Kaszube (Jason Carpio / Teresa Deterding, runner-up)Cumulative #1 Power Ranked Bowler: Ken M. Wilson (Aubrey Moren, runner-up)The Tournament of Champions, which will make its official debut next season within the league, had its winner for this season revealed: Allison Radke would have come away with 1st place over 2nd place finisher Dennis "Pops" Laube in a contest that was settled by 11 pins. More details on the Tournament of Champions later.Prize money was handed out for the teams based upon wins:1. No Pinheads (49-15)2. STFU Donny (40-24)3. Gutterballs (36.5-27.5)4. Vier Reiter Der Apokalypse (36-28)5. Kitten Mittons (35.5-28.5)6. Skirtz & Jerkz (22-42)7. Mysterious Platypus Appendages (22-42)8. Das Sauer Popes (15-49)And lastly, Carl Goetz was officially inducted into the GutterAlley Hall of Fame after being selected over Bob Brunker, Dennis "Pops, Laube, Janelle "Nellie" (Laube) Lamar, Jason Carpio, and Pat Searcy by the voters of the bowling community. Congratulations to all of the winners this season!

One Response to “And the winner is…”

  1. avatar Ken says:

    Welcome to the Hall, Carl…it was only a matter of time. Well deserved.

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  • A full-blown scoreboard you can watch in the bar area (likely projected on the wall somewhere)

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  • A QR code you can scan to load mobile web page that shows who is up on each lane

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  • Neither, your team will just yell when it's your turn (0%, 0 Votes)

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